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Sunday, July 29, 2012

5 False Food Label Claims

Sometimes we make food choices based on what we “think” we read on the label.  Something that I am learning while on my journey to a new me is "what looks like a healthy food choice on the outside isn’t always all that it is wrapped up to be on the inside."   See if you agree with these 5 false food label claims.

"Made With Real Fruit"

What you see: Made with real fruit
What you get: “There are absolutely no regulations around this claim,”  Consider Kellogg’s Nutri-Grain Cereal Bars Mixed Berry. Sounds like a solid preride bite. But the made-with-real-fruit filling contains puree concentrate (more like sugar than actual fruit) of blueberries, strawberries, apples, and raspberries.  Which means this is not as healthy as it sounds on the label.
The solution: The lower a fruit is listed in the ingredients, the less the product contains. “If you want to increase your fruit intake, rely on whole fruits,” says Bonnie Taub-Dix, RD, author of Read It Before You Eat It.

"Lightly Sweetened"

What you see: Lightly sweetened

What you get: Unlike “sugar-free” and “no added sugars,” this claim isn’t regulated by the FDA so it is very easy to be fooled: Wheaties FUEL, a cereal that’s marketed specifically to athletes and carries the lightly sweetened label, contains more sugar per ¾-cup serving (14g) than the same amount of Fruit Loops (9g).  And I don't know about you but if I am going to eat a "sugar cereal" I would opt for the Fruit Loops every time.

The solution: Check the nutrition facts panel. The American Heart Association recommends that women keep added sugars below 24 grams per day and men aim for less than 36g.


What you see: Gluten-free

What you get: To make this claim, a product must be made without wheat, barley, or rye. But there have been reports of cross-contamination with gluten-containing grains during growing or manufacturing, says Pamela Cureton, RD, a dietitian at the Center for Celiac Research at the University of Maryland School of Medicine.

The solution: Look for a seal from the Gluten-Free Certification Organization, the Celiac Sprue Association, or the National
Foundation for Celiac Awareness, which test products to ensure they have no gluten.

"Added Fiber"

What you see: Added fiber

What you get: Though products with this claim do actually pack additional fiber—often listed as polydextrose, inulin (derived from chicory root), or maltodextrin—it’s unknown whether consuming them has the same benefits, such as lowering cholesterol, as the fiber found naturally in whole foods.

The solution: It’s okay to consume added fiber (often found in cereal, yogurt, and energy bars), but too much can cause a ride-derailing bellyache. “Aim for 14 grams per 1,000 calories.”

"Wild Rice"

What you see: Wild rice

What you get: “True wild rice comes from a plant that’s indigenous to certain lakes and rivers in the Midwest and Canada,” says Peter David, wildlife biologist at the Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commission in Wisconsin. “Most people eat the kind produced out of California, which may be treated with chemicals.”

The solution: Look for the plant name Zizania palustris on the ingredient list. It packs four times the amount of protein, 73 times the potassium, and 12 times the fiber per serving as its impostor

It is no wonder we are not able to lose weight as quickly as we would like!  With all of  the false labels out  there I think we need to read the list of ingredients on the back side of the “label”.  I believe this is the only way to really know what we are eating.  So next time you are walking the aisles of your super market  and reach for the products that sound good on the label, turn it around and look at what it is really made of.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Three Easy Breakfast Options On The Cheap!

When we were younger we all heard the same thing from our parents, "The most important meal of the day is breakfast."  I don't know why so many people opt to skip breakfast, but to be honest I was one of them.  But this is what I have learned while on my journey to a new me, if you eat within the first hour of your day there is a greater chance that you will stay on your path to become healthy.  Try  one of these easy options to get your metabolism going in the morning.  And for fun I have included the approximate cost of each.

Breakfast Staple #1 - Peanut Butter (17 cents per serving)
Peanut butter is a cheap way to add well-rounded nutrients to your breakfast, because just 1 tablespoon has 4 grams of protein, 8 grams of fat, a few grams of fiber, and 4 grams of carbs.   Its polyunsaturated fatty acids helps decrease cholesterol while keeping you feeling full longer.  Have an all time favorite "PBJ" (peanut butter and jelly sandwich) and you may discover you won't get those mid-morning munchies.
Breakfast Staple #2 - Old-Fashioned Rolled Oats (21 cents a serving)
Processed cereals can be a sneaky source of sugar, so opt for no-sugar added whole grains in the a.m.   Oats are a great choice, because they’ve also been shown to lower bad cholesterol.

Make it a meal:
Mix a cup each rolled oats and skim milk with ¼ cup each almonds and dried fruit. Microwave for 4  minutes, then let sit another minute so oats soak up the liquid.  To sweeten add a little brown sugar "Splenda" for added punch.

Breakfast Staple #3 - Greek Yogurt ($1 per 5.3 oz serving)  
Though Greek yogurt may cost slightly more than the regular kind, you get more nutrition for your money: The Greek option has 15 g of protein, compared to about 6 g in the regular stuff. Buy it plain to cut down on sugar and cost. Be sure to check the label for gut-protecting bacteria L. acidophilus and B. bifidum, and the “Live and Active Cultures” seal.  I only like the Greek Yogurt with Splenda or Stevia and mix in a 1/4 to 1/2 cup of strawberries or blueberries to make it  an extra special treat.   

 I know that we live in a world of drive-thru and fast food chains and that breakfast in a bag is easy and convenient, but try one of the above options and your waist-line will be happy you did!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Health Foods That Aren’t Healthy

Health Foods That Aren’t Healthy.  Here's the truth about Six supposedly “better-for-you” options.  Fake, Phony. Scam artist. No matter what you call it, being at the wrong end of a health hoax is never fun. You might expect sneaky marketing claims from fast-food chains, but these six foods are more along the lines of a sucker punch. 

The latest case: Nutella
Sure, their commercials make the spread sound like a wholesome mix of hazelnuts, skim milk, and a touch of cocoa, but it turns out Nutella’s about as healthy as a Milky Way.  One woman was so appalled when she realized that two tablespoons of her go-to breakfast spread packed in 200 calories, 21 grams of sugar, and 11 grams of fat, that she took the company to court…and won. (In fact, if you bought a jar of Nutella between January 2008 and Feb 3, 2012, you’re entitled to a refund.)
But Nutella isn’t the only nutrition sham at the grocery store. No matter how you slice it, a number of “healthy” foods fall seriously short on their promises. How many of these fast-talkers are fooling you?

“All-Natural” Breakfast Cereals
Kashi, Kellogg’s “natural” brand, is currently under fire from consumers over the fact that the ingredients used in their cereals aren’t completely natural as their marketing implies. In fact, scientists from the Cornucopia Institute recently detected GMO material in 100 percent of the soy in Kashi GoLean

Sports Drinks
While Gatorade may be beneficial if you’re putting in an extremely hard workout—like marathon hard—most of us are just getting an unwelcome dose of sugar, salt, and loads of sketchy artificial food coloring.   Plus, a new study in the journal General Dentistry suggests that sports and energy drinks are responsible for serious tooth enamel damage and decay.
Energy Bars
The reason you feel a boost from your bar is most likely due to the copious amounts of sweetener added to it. Many companies disguise just how much sugar is hidden inside by using various types of sugar—like high-fructose corn syrup, brown sugar, and cane juice—to try and fool you. Case in point: PowerBar ProteinPlus Chocolate Brownie bar, which offers up 30 grams of sugar from at least three different sugar sources.
“No Artificial Preservatives” Meats
Oscar Mayer recently announced that it will no longer be using artificial preservatives in their “Selects” line of hot dogs and deli slices. While we applaud the weiner company for taking out nasty chemicals like potassium chloride and sodium nitrate, that doesn’t mean that these foods are now healthy. Processed meat is still processed meat, and a daily serving of bacon or salami can up your risk of death 20%, according to research from the Harvard School of Public Health.

Bottled Green Tea
We’ve touted the benefits of green tea for years, but those sweetened, bottled beverages aren't what we’ve been talking about. Some mass-produced bottles have only a miniscule amount of the powerful catechins, and they're loaded with sugar. SoBe Energize Green Tea, for example, offers up more than 50 grams of sugar in one 20-ounce bottle.

Egg Substitute
I’m not saying that egg-substitute is necessarily bad for you, but they’re not necessarily better for your cholesterol than the real thing—something most of us assume. A new study from the University of Connecticut found that people who ate whole eggs actually increased their HDL (the healthy cholesterol) more than those who ate egg substitutes.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Easy Ways To Cut 100 Calories During Snack Time, Dessert Time, & When Your Not Cooking

Yesterday I covered Easy ways to cut 100 calories at breakfast, lunch and dinner.  Today I have a few ideas that will help us shave off 100 calories at snack time, dessert time and when your not cooking.  Check it out and see if some of these changes can help you meet your weight loss goals. 

On Your Snack Break
• Drink sparkling water instead of soda.
• Move your stash of Hershey's Kisses at least 6 feet away from your desk—you'll dip in half as often.
• Drain the heavy syrup from your can of fruit cocktail and then rinse the fruit with water before digging in.
• Have 1/2 cup of fresh grapes instead of that little snack box of raisins.
• Lay off the Lay's Classic potato chips and have a handful of Rold Gold pretzels.
• Munch on a bag of Orville Redenbacher's Smart Pop Kettle Korn, not Movie Theater Butter.
• Chase down the ice-cream truck for a Good Humor vanilla sandwich, not a King Cone.

During Dessert
• Stop eating when you hit the crust. The edges and bottoms of baked goods are especially caloric because they absorb the butter used to grease the pan.
• Fill your bowl with sorbet instead of ice cream—you can have an extra 1/2 cup of the former and still slash calories.
• Next time a cocoa craving hits, ditch the dish of chocolate ice cream (about 3/4 cup) for a Fudgsicle.
• Have sugar-free Jell-O instead of pudding. Better your nighttime treat jiggle than your thighs.
• Go ahead and have that piece of birthday cake—just scrape off the chocolate frosting first.
• Eat 5 meringue cookies instead of 2 chocolate chip ones.
• Pass on the à la mode and savor that brownie au naturel.
• Can the cone. Have your ice cream in a bowl.
• Top your dessert with 1/2 cup of fresh berries instead of 2 tablespoons of chocolate syrup.

When You're Not Cooking
• Request the lemon chicken with white rice, not fried.
• Skip the crunchy noodles with your bowl of wonton soup.
• Ask for an order of Szechuan Shrimp instead of your usual General Tso's.
• Choose the pasta with 1/2 cup of marinara instead of 1/2 cup of Alfredo sauce.
• Indulge your inner carnivore with beef stroganoff, not meat lasagna.
• Go with the baked potato (butter only), not the mashed, as your side of choice.
• Dip your dinner roll in marinara sauce instead of olive oil.
• Avoid anything breaded. Flour and bread crumbs not only add calories but also absorb more cooking oil.

Over the past few months I have enjoyed baked potatoes with nothing but salt and pepper.  And if there is the option for a sweet potato I always choose that plain.  I ask for cinnamon on the side and spinkle it over the top for a yummy treat!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Easy Ways To Cut 100 Calories At Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner

There is an old saying for tackling an overwhelming obstacle and it goes something like this,  
"How do you eat an elephant?"  And the answer?  "One Bite At A Time!"  Now I am not suggesting that any of us sit down and try to make a gourmet meal out of an elephant but when it comes to losing weight the easiest way that I have found it by cutting calories.  Sometimes by doing it you will not feel as if you have lost a thing! 

Here are a few ideas that you might try to cut 100 calories at breakfast.

• Ditch the Pop-Tart for a slice of high-fiber toast with strawberry jam.
• Gotta have carbs? Split a bagel with a coworker.
• Drink your two cups of joe black. Or order a single espresso instead of your usual latte.
• Swap OJ for the real deal—one fresh orange.
• Trade a side of regular sausage for turkey.
• Top your waffles with Reddi-Whip instead of syrup (or use sugar-free).
• Skip the whip on any Caribou Coffee 16-ounce drink.
• Eat your granola from a 4-ounce mug, not an 8-ounce bowl.
• Lose the Yoplait Thick & Creamy and have a Yoplait Fiber 1.
• Order pancakes, but hold the butter.
• Scramble together 4 egg whites instead of 2 whole eggs.

At Lunch
• Leave the Swiss cheese out of your sandwich.
• Slather your bread with mustard rather than mayo and save 80 calories per tablespoon.
• Pass up croutons at the salad bar.
• Use up to 10 pumps of ranch dressing spray instead of pouring 2 tablespoons from a bottle.
• Devour a slice of Pizza Hut cheese pan pizza instead of the meat lover's variety.
• Take your iced tea unsweetened.
• Reach for a Snapple raspberry white tea instead of a Snapple raspberry iced tea.
• Stuff chicken salad into a whole-wheat pita instead of between slices of multigrain bread.
• Make your burger turkey, not beef.
• Slurp minestrone soup instead of cream of anything.
• Go bunless—shed your hamburger roll.
• Use south-of-the-border savvy: Have a quesadilla made with two 6-inch corn, not flour, tortillas.

In the Kitchen
• Substitute nonfat Greek yogurt for a serving of sour cream.
• Use chicken broth (low-sodium is best) instead of oil to sauté meat and veggies.
• Making homemade mac 'n cheese? Cut 2 tablespoons of butter from the recipe.
• Replace the oil or butter in cakes with Sunsweet Lighter Bake prune-and-apple mixture or any brand of unsweetened applesauce.
• Next time you make meatballs, meatloaf, or burgers, go half-and-half with ground beef and turkey.
• When preparing packaged foods that call for butter or oil, like rice and stuffing, use a broth instead.
• Swap low-fat cottage cheese for whole-milk ricotta when you make lasagna or stuffed shells.

At the Drive-Thru
• Pass up a Wendy's baked potato with sour cream and chives and chow down on value fries instead. (Amazing but true.)
• Have a McDonald's cheeseburger instead of a Quarter Pounder with cheese.
• Downsize your drink: Trade a large fountain soda (with ice) for a medium.
• Go for grill marks. Order a flame-broiled chicken sandwich rather than one that's breaded (and usually fried in oil).
• Treat yourself to an ice-cream cone at McDonald's instead of Dairy Queen.
• Crunch on one Taco Bell regular taco instead of a Ranchero Chicken Soft Taco. And all the hot sauce you want.
• Slurp a cup of Panera Bread's low-fat chicken noodle soup instead of the cream of chicken with wild rice.
• Make your daily pick-me-up at Starbucks a skinny vanilla latte, not a regular.

None of us gained our weight over night and therefore it is obvious that we are not going to lose it over night either.   If we can retrain our thinking into making smaller, manageable changes we have a better chance of making good food choices for the long-haul and the end result will be pounds lost.  Watch for Easy Ways to cut 100 calories at snack time, dessert time and when your not cooking.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

8 No-Effort Diet Tricks

I love to do research on healthy lifestyles, and weight loss tricks.  Tonight I read several interesting articles on the web.  www.msn.com health and fitness section, fitbie.   Check out these cool tricks. 

8 No-Effort Diet Tricks
Quick and easy strategies to stay slim without counting calories

Downsize Your Tableware (and Portions)

We tend to be satisfied based on what’s served to us, regardless of portion size, explains Caspero. “Visual cues may play a large part in how much we consume,” she says. “The bigger the plate, the more food you’ll serve and the more you’ll eat.” Don’t let your eyes override your appetite, and start small. A small plate may do the same to satisfy your body and brain as that family-size quantity of pasta.

Think Several Months Ahead

When choosing a new diet plan, ask yourself one question: How long do you think you can stick to it? “If you love bread, then cutting out all carbs may not be sustainable in the long run,” says Caspero. If you pick a diet that’s impossible to follow for more than a few days, weeks, or months, you’re only setting yourself up for failure.

Don’t Let Your Guard Down

Blueberries have been found to speed up your recovery after a workout, prevent body fat from forming, and cut your risk of Parkinson’s disease. You might call them the next magic blue pill. But just because you pop a handful of blueberries in the morning, doesn’t mean you can make unhealthy choices the rest of the day. “There is no single superfood that counteracts that after-work snack of an entire bag of potato chips,” says Caspero. 

Read Between the Lines on Labels

Watch out for a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Many food products come labeled with catchwords such as all-natural, low-fat, gluten-free, or sugar-free. Don’t be fooled: “Organic chips are still chips,” says Caspero. If you want to eat some chips, go ahead—but default back to your diet afterward. It’s fine to indulge once in awhile without falling off the wagon. Just don’t convince yourself that eating cookies made from organic sugarcane is healthy, or it’ll become a bad habit.  

Recognize Your Hunger

Do you find yourself standing in front of the vending machine every afternoon? It’s probably a sweets craving and not real hunger, says Caspero. Try this test: Imagine eating an apple instead. If you’re truly hungry, the apple will sound good. You should eat. If the apple doesn’t sound good, then you’re probably just snacking out of boredom or exhaustion. “Food won’t fix those things,” she says. Try going for a short walk, chatting with a coworker, or finding a new task to work on.

Learn How to Make Fast Food at Home

A busy, high-stress lifestyle can lead to a diet of convenience. Unfortunately, the most convenient foods are often the same ones you should be avoiding, explains Caspero. The meals served in fast-food chains are typically crammed with calories, sugar, and fat, and deficient in vitamins and minerals. Instead, cook a tasty, nutrient-dense meal in less time than you’d spend waiting in the drive-thru.  

Discover the Healthier Flavor Enhancers

There’s nothing delicious about eating plain boneless, skinless chicken breasts for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. But there’s a reason so many diets call for them: They’re high in stomach-filling protein (the raw material for muscle growth), low in fat, and affordable. Luckily, you don’t need to add butter, oil, or fatty dressings to make them taste better, says Caspero. Try a simple marinade or spice rub to pack your food full with flavor.  

Never Cut Back on Produce

“When it comes to being full, our stomachs respond to weight and volume,” says Caspero. Chances are, you will still be hungry after one serving of pasta. But if you add 3 cups of veggies to that pasta, you have a much larger meal to satisfy you. See, most produce contains lots of fiber, few calories, and little starch. Adding a ton of it to your dinner will keep you full and your waistline trim. Don’t forget to clean them before prepping your meal. 

I believe there are some wonderful ideas in the article above and now that I am back on track on my journey to a new me I would like to try some of these and see if I can make my goals that much quicker!

Monday, July 23, 2012

My Journey To A New Me!!!: Waffle House Revisited

My Journey To A New Me!!!: Waffle House Revisited: I have a confession to make.  I still love to eat at Waffle House!  The second blog post that I ever wrote was about my Waffle House meal c...

Waffle House Revisited

I have a confession to make.  I still love to eat at Waffle House!  The second blog post that I ever wrote was about my Waffle House meal choice.  (see blog post from Jan. 23, 2011)  And I gave the run down of just how many calories a basic breakfast of scrambled eggs, hashbrowns, and buttered toast totals 770 calories!

Way back then I chose to make a few "modifications" and was able to cut my calories to 462calories.  It was on a recent visit to Waffle House for dinner that I made a few more adjustments to have a healthy meal that included some protein.

This is how I ordered my delicious Waffle House dinner:
Two eggs scrambled, hold the yolk on one, add one slice of cheese and use spray instead of oil
Sliced tomatoes instead of hashbrowns, One 6 ounce grilled chicken breast and two slices of dry  raisin toast.  They brought out the apple butter and strawberry jelly but I declined to use either one.

Here's how the calories added up on the above meal.  The large egg was 70 calories, the egg white was 17.  I purposely ordered one piece of cheese because at the WH if you say "Two eggs scrambled with cheese you get two slices of cheese".  So the cheese added another 70 calories.  The 6 ounces of grilled chicken added 165 calories.  Sliced tomatoes for 35 calories and the big splurge was two slices of dry raisin toast for 142 calories.  I ate my fill and left completely satisfied.  And for those of you wondering what the grand total was....  499 calories!  I was completely amazed that I could add a nice piece of chicken to my meal and still come under 500 calories. 

I am a believer that you don't have to starve yourself to get healthy and to lose weight.  There are good choices out there even at the restaurants that normally get a bad rap.  Now don't get me wrong, if I was a person who had no weight issues, I certainly would not have a problem ordering up a "All Star breakfast" complete with eggs, bacon, waffles and all the fixin's but with it would come all the calories!  945 to be exact!  So for now, I will continue to stay on my journey to a new me and order the right foods for me when I slide into the booth at my local Waffle House!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

McDonalds Chicken Biscuit On My Journey?

This morning we were rushing to get to church on time and I did not have time to eat a healthy breakfast before we left for service.  The only thing to do was to grab some fast food which usually means a lot of calories.

We went through the drive thru at McDonalds and the choices were numerous and I quickly checked my favorite tool on my smart phone app www.myfitnesspal.com  to figure out exactly what my best choice would be.  I decided to order a chicken biscuit minus the biscuit, but had them put it on a bun.  Then I did my favorite thing and put the top of that bun in the bag.  So the chicken on the 1/2 bun was  only 205 calories!  That was the best option for me when I had to get something on the go.

Lunch was a different story!  We went to a restaurant with some friends that we had never gone to and they told us how awesome it was and how many choices we would have.  They failed to mention it was ALL southern cooking!  I walked up to the counter and my choices were mashed potatoes and gravy, potato salad, macaroni and cheese, cornbread dressing, fried chicken, roasted turkey and a few non-starchy vegetables.  I selected the roasted turkey with no gravy, and the dressing with no gravy and green beans.  I strolled past the cornbread muffins and yeast rolls and closed my eyes when I saw all the desserts and pies.

Lunch was easier than I thought it would be.  Then tonight we ran some errands and we ended up at Chilis for dinner.  My previous experience at this restaurant was not so good in the low-calorie choices.  It is funny to me that they have salads that have 1200 - 1700 calories in them!  Now that is simply too many calories for this girl.  So I checked out their new lighter menu items and selected the grilled chicken with black beans and rice.  And it was not only tasty but it came in at only 550 calories. 

So all in all  I would say that I had an awesome day with staying within my calorie allowance.  Who knew eating out three meals in a day could be done for under 1400 calories?

Saturday, July 21, 2012

My Journey To A New Me!!!: Reality Check Time

My Journey To A New Me!!!: Reality Check Time: I haven't posted anything to my blog since April 2012.  Some of you may be wondering why, others may not have noticed, and others may not c...

Reality Check Time

I haven't posted anything to my blog since April 2012.  Some of you may be wondering why, others may not have noticed, and others may not care.  I think it is time for a "Reality Check"  with myself.  I am now ready to blog about my journey over the past seven months on My Journey To A New Me.

If you have been a reader of my blog you already know that on December 11, 2010 I set myself on a course to lose 100 pounds in one year. After my doctors appointment on that memorable day, December 11, 2010, I set my daily calorie intake at 1400 calories.  By using a website that I had found and downloading it onto my smart phone I had a great tool to begin the journey to become healthy for the first time in my life.  The  website is www.myfitnesspal.com   You set up a profile with your starting weight and your measurements.   You can record all of your food, exercise, water, etc.  into a journal. The calorie counts are available on the website so it is easy and fast.   It has graphs and charts to help you with your health and weight loss goals. 

The second part of my journey was when I discovered what a blog was and how to have one.  I started the blog five weeks after beginning my journey.  I was super excited when I first began blogging and there were times that I found myself with multiple blog post written in one day.  To not overwhelm my readers I would try to hold off posting them over the period of a few days so as to not overload everyone on my journey and the success that I was enjoying.

By the fall of '2011 I was within 10 pounds of my 100 pound weight loss goal and I began to feel the weight slow down, well actually almost stop.  It seemed like there would be two or three weeks in between losing just one pound.  I was doing all of the same things that I had done before but the weight was not coming off as it had in the beginning.

By the first week of December I was really close to my goal, 97 pounds and to be honest I was a little afraid that I would not hit my goal.  I am a very goal oriented person and missing my goal was just not an option.  I worked out on my eliptical and walked on the threadmill a little more than I ususally did and I successfully hit 101 pounds before Christmas '2011.

Here is where the true confession begins.  Several events happened in December that got me off track.  We celebrated our 28 year anniversary and traveled to Nashville, TN for a few days.  The first week of December my daughter announces that she wants to get married, THIS YEAR, and in three weeks I pull off a beautiful wedding and she and her fiance get married at my house on Christmas Eve.  We enjoy Christmas, and my birthday a few days following.  I am off from work for ten days and find myself getting out of my "routine".

During the holidays I was not super strict with myself and when my birthday came around on December 29th  I enjoyed a nice dinner at an Italian restaurant and cake and ice cream.  Oh did I forget to mention my daughter got married on Christmas Eve and we had the wedding and reception at our home?  And with it all the left over food and cake!  Not just wedding cake but a delicious chocolate grooms cake?

Okay I know what you are thinking, surely I was strong enough to just say "NO".  After all, I had successfully lost 101 pounds during the last year ... but I wasn't.  I enjoyed the birthday and both of those wedding cakes,   I knew how many empty calories there were but I figured, "Oh well, I can start my journey after the first of the year".  And I remember saying that to myself as I finished off the last piece of grooms cake.

The new year came around and I was not required to go back to work from my Christmas vacation until Tuesday January 3rd.  I remember thinking that gives me a few more days to be bad and then I can get "serious" again.  The sad thing is once I was derailed it took longer for me to get back on the right path again.

I watched my scale as two pounds of my 101 pounds lost crept back on.  Then I fought to lose them again.  I had to rediscipline myself to hold at the 1400 calories of food per day.  It was harder than I remembered.  And then there was the exercising.  My habit that had once been a daily routine for me was now something that I had to try to make time for. 

But probably the worst thing that I did in all of this was that when I gained weight I became discouraged and felt like I did not have anything positive to share with everyone on my blog and I found myself blogging less and less.  And when the blogging became almost non-existent I saw a couple more pounds come on.  It was probably because the blog posting had become my number one source of accountability and without it I was like a ship lost at sea.  Or like a child who was lost in the Mall of Georgia. 

So here is the Reality Check.  After gaining five pounds and losing it and gaining it and losing it and now gaining it.  I went on vacation with my husband and parents on a cruise to Alaska and guess what?   I did not count one single calorie while on our ten day trip, not even one!  When I got home I had gained two pounds, so add that to my earlier five pounds and I am up seven pounds.  So no longer can I say that I have lost 101 pounds, I need to say "I had lost 101 pounds and now I need to lose seven more to do it again!"

That is the Reality check for me.  If  I could do it in the first place I know that I can do it now. The only person from stopping me from doing it is me.  And guess what?  I told my husband recently that I had just discovered for myself that last year when I was losing the weight it was the happiest time of my life!  Even today I am not disgusted with myself for gaining back seven of those 101 pounds.  I have decided to look at it in a different way.  Over the past seven months I have gained seven pounds.  But over the next five months I could lose an enormous amount of weight, if  I put my mind to it.  If I decide to do the right things that helped me do it in the first place. 

I am still a goal-oriented person and I believe that I can still lose fifty pounds this year, but I will need to be accountable to myself for what I am doing and how I am doing it.  There are no more excuses!   This time I am going to get on the path and quit detouring for a week or two and see just how much closer to my ultimate weight loss goal that  I can get!  So for anyone needing a little encouragement.  Please keep checking in with me on my blog because I am serious again and there is no telling what is about to happen!  All I can say is:  "Look out world, there is going to be a lot less of me in the near future!"