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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A Calorie Is A Calorie Is A Calorie

Who said all calories are not created equal? Who has ever said "Dont eat that because it's wasted calories"? Well I had a long talk with my doctor last Friday and it was during this talk that I learned a few things.

Just like gasoline is offered in multiple octanes (87 being the lowest, and the really supreme topping out at 93 octane) your vehicle regardless of the year, make and model will run on the lowest grade or octane out there. The only problem is when you use the lowest grade for a vehicle that is designed for the highest octane you are likely to gets some pings while riding down the road. Or your sitting at a red light and your car is making all kinds of interesting noises and you want to slide under your seat for buying the cheapest gas you could find!

The same is true with your body. You can eat anything you want or desire as log as you count the calories. Your body does not know the difference between a piece of candy that is say 150 calories per bite, or a grilled chicken breast for the same calories. But after you have eaten either of the above items it is how you have "fueled" your body that begins to tell the tale.

If you ate the chicken you would feel sustained like you ate something of substance, after all it is protein. But if you ate the candy for the first moment you would probably enjoy it a whole lot more than that chicken. To taste the sweetness of it. To savor the flavor of the chocolate. But once that little piece of candy has traveled down into the fuel tank inside of us it would be like going to buy gas and putting in .50 worth of gas. We would not get very far!

So the moral of the story is not all calories provide the same energy or fuel that we need to live and move and have our being, but all calories are created Equal!

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