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Thursday, April 14, 2011

People Say The Funniest Things

During the past four months on My Journey To A New Me I have heard some very encouraging words, kind words, uplifting remarks, and funny comments as well. I love to get feed back from my friends, family, and others who are reading along on My Journey.

People who see me every day at work will stop me in the aisle as I am walking to my desk and exclaim "OH My! I just noticed! You lost something!" and I said, "What?". as I look down and behind me for something I may have dropped in an attempt to throw them off. And they say: "A Ton of weight!". And then they ask me what I am doing. When I tell them they cant believe how simple my plan is. The daily goal for my calorie intake is 1400 per day. I eat 1400 calories of whatever I want but when I reach 1400 I cannot eat anything else that day!

Another comment comes from friends at church. I sing on the praise team at my church and it is my privilege to make a joyful noise unto the Lord! They will say something like, " There is a little less of you on the stage today!". And I smile and answer, Thank You! I was hoping you would notice.

But one remark that threw me off a little bit this week was when one friend was commenting on how much weight I had dropped and that I had really begun to show it on my body. The next words out of her mouth were "you make it look so easy!". To be quite honest I did not know how to respond so I simply said thank you and went about my day.

But for the rest of the day and evening that statement or comment lingered in my mind. Why would someone say that I made it look easy? Was it easy? No. Do I wake up every day and think about what I am going to eat that day? Yes!

The fact is I still think about food a lot. All the time on some days, and to hear the words that "I make this look easy" was probably one of the greatest compliments that I could ever receive. I guess I just did not realize it at the time. So to my friend who complimented me in such a great way earlier this week, if you are ready this blog, I say Thank You for noticing my efforts. And thank you for sharing your positive thoughts about how easy that I make this journey to a new me look.

I am not in 100% agreement that I make it look easy, but I thank you just the same. As for actually making it look easy, I guess when you set small goals of weight loss so that you can measure your success it helps keep you moving in the right direction. Before you begin a journey of your own I would first recommend a trip to the doctor to find out what your starting point is. Especially if you have pre-existing health conditions. I would weigh myself and take my body measurements so that you can track weight and inches lost. Using Myfitnesspal.com can help you record this information and track your progress.

Thank you for the encouragement everyone! We All Need It!

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