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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Believing In Yourself

Me on vacation 6/2011 doing more &
enjoying the great outdoors
(Garden of the Gods -Colorado Springs, CO)

If you are like me there is one thing that is hard to do at times and while on my journey to a new me I see that it is something that I have had a problem with in the past and that is "Believing in Yourself".  There are several quotes that I have discovered that have helped me during my journey to a new me and I wanted to share them with you and to express my thoughts about a few of them.

"Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent."  Eleanor Roosevelt

"It's not who you are that holds you back, it's who you think you're not."  Anonymous

"The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in a thing makes it happen."

Frank Lloyd Wright

"If you think you can, you can. And if you think you can't, you're right."  Mary Kay Ash

"Your belief determines your action and your action determines your results, but first you have to believe."
Mark Victor Hansen

"What matters is not the idea a man holds, but the depth at which he holds it."  Ezra Pound

"He does not believe who does not live according to his belief."  Thomas Fuller

"Some things have to be believed to be seen"   Ralph Hodgson

"To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe."
Anatole France

"It is easier to believe than to doubt."  Everett D. Martin

"Don't wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles and less than perfect conditions. So what. Get started now. With each step you take, you will grow stronger and stronger, more and more skilled, more and more self-confident and more and more successful."Mark Victor Hansen

"God didn't have time to make a nobody, only a somebody.I believe that each of us has God-given talents within us waiting to be brought to fruition."  Mary Kay Ash

I love all of the quotes above but during my time of research the last three really spoke to me.  When I started this journey to a new me I had no idea if  I could do it.  I had so many thoiughts like; "What if I started this journey and was unable to do it?" or "What are people going to say when I tell them that I have started on this journey to a new me?" 

Well once I had made up my mind to do it, that is exactly what I did!  But my first step was to believe in myself.  Now this is not an easy thing to do.  When you have had a problem in the past "believing in yourself" what made me think that I can do it now? 

Because I got to the point where I was done with being unhealthy and obese.  I decided to believe myself for a change and see if it would make a difference and guess what?  It worked!  I am down 75.8 pounds and looking forward to hitting my 100 pounds in one year goal.  It all started when I made the simple decision to believe in myself.  I began to believe that I could do it.  I started believing that I could acheive my dream to be healthy and fit.  So where do I go from here?  I am determined to continue my journey to a new me and believing in myself. 

So where are you?  Do you believe in yourself? Do you believe you can do something great for yourself?  If not, what are you waiting on?  I believe in you.  You can do it.  It is time you believed for yourself. Don't put it off another day.  Close your eyes and say a prayer, and believe.....

Monday, July 25, 2011

20 Habits That Make You Fat

I read a very interesting article on the yahoo webpage today and there is so much information that I wanted to share it in my blog post.  The article was written by the author of the best selling books by Matt Goulding who wrote the "Eat This, Not That!" books.  Check out the article and see if you agree.

20 Habits That Make You Fat
By David Zinczenko with Matt Goulding
Jul 15, 2011

Decades ago, around the time of Steven Tyler's last haircut, a completely wrong-headed idea started being passed around America's dinner tables: Eating fat makes you fat.

Wrong. Eating fat won’t make you fat, any more than eating money will make you rich. Calories make you fat, and most “low-fat” or “fat-free” foods actually have just as many calories as their full-fat versions, because of added sugar and chemicals. And there’s no debate on this one: Since we made “cut down on fat” our favorite food craze roughly 30 years ago, the U.S. obesity rate has doubled. Among children, it has tripled. That’s a failed food policy if ever there was one.
But it’s just one of many “get fat” habits that can be turned into a “slim-down” habit, starting today. All you need is a pinch of resolve and a few new routines. Here are the 20 habits you can replace right now, compliments of the Eat This, Not That! No-Diet Diet. 
FAT HABIT #1: Eating "low-fat"
It sounds crazy, but I want you to stop buying foods marketed as low-fat or fat-free. Typically, they save you only a few calories and, in doing so, they replace harmless fats with low-performing carbohydrates that digest quickly—causing a sugar rush and, immediately afterward, rebound hunger. Researchers from the University of Alabama at Birmingham found that meals that limited carbohydrates to 43 percent were more filling and had a milder effect on blood sugar than meals with 55 percent carbohydrates. That means you’ll store less body fat and be less likely to eat more later.

FAT HABIT #2: Not seeking nutrition advice
Good news here: By reading this, you’re already forming habits that can help you shed pounds. When Canadian researchers sent diet and exercise advice to more than 1,000 people, they found that the recipients began eating smarter and working more physical activity into their daily routines. Not surprisingly, the habits of the non-recipients didn’t budge. Follow me on Twitter for the fat-melting weight loss tips I come across every day as the editor-in-chief of Men’s Health magazine—and lose your belly without ever dieting again.

FAT HABIT #3: Sleeping too little or too much
According to Wake Forest researchers, dieters who sleep five hours or less put on 2½ times more belly fat, while those who sleep more than eight hours pack on only slightly less than that. Shoot for an average of six to seven hours of sleep per night—the optimal amount for weight control.
FAT HABIT #4: Eating free restaurant foods
Breadsticks, biscuits, and chips and salsa may be complimentary at some restaurants, but that doesn’t mean you won’t pay for them. Every time you eat one of Olive Garden's free breadsticks or Red Lobster's Cheddar Bay Biscuits, you're adding an additional 150 calories to your meal. Eat three over the course of dinner and that's 450 calories. That's also roughly the number of calories you can expect for every basket of tortilla chips you get at your local Mexican restaurant. What's worse, none of these calories comes paired with any redeeming nutritional value. Consider them junk food on steroids.

DID YOU KNOW? You don't need to make big changes to your diet to lose 10, 20, or even 30 pounds. You just need to make the right small tweaks. Change how you look and feel—fast and forever—with this must-see report on the 25 Best Nutrition Secrets Ever!
FAT HABIT #5: Drinking soda—even diet!
The average American guzzles nearly a full gallon of soda every week. Why is that so bad? Because a 2005 study found that drinking one to two sodas per day increases your chances of being overweight or obese by nearly 33 percent. And diet soda is no better. When researchers in San Antonio tracked a group of elderly subjects for nearly a decade, they found that compared to nondrinkers, those who drank two or more diet sodas a day watched their waistlines increase five times faster. The researchers theorize that the artificial sweeteners trigger appetite cues, causing you to unconsciously eat more at subsequent meals.   
FAT HABIT #6: Skipping meals
In a 2011 national survey from the Calorie Control Council, 17 percent of Americans admitted to skipping meals to lose weight. The problem is, skipping meals actually increases your odds of obesity, especially when it comes to breakfast. A study from the American Journal of Epidemiology found that people who cut out the morning meal were 4.5 times more likely to be obese. Why? Skipping meals slows your metabolism and boosts your hunger. That puts your body in prime fat-storage mode and increases your odds of overeating at the next meal.
FAT HABIT #7: Eating too quickly
If your body has one major flaw, this is it: It takes 20 minutes for your stomach to tell your brain that it’s had enough. A study in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association found that slow eaters took in 66 fewer calories per meal, but compared to their fast-eating peers, they felt like they had eaten more. What’s 66 calories, you ask? If you can do that at every meal, you’ll lose more than 20 pounds a year! 
FAT HABIT #8: Watching too much TV
A University of Vermont study found that overweight participants who reduced their TV time by just 50 percent burned an additional 119 calories a day on average. That’s an automatic 12-pound annual loss! Maximize those results by multitasking while you watch—even light household tasks will further bump up your caloric burn. Plus, if your hands are occupied with dishes or laundry, you’ll be less likely to mindlessly snack—the other main occupational hazard associated with tube time.
SNACK YOURSELF THIN! It can be a challenge to find snacks low in sugar and high in protein and fiber. Our list of the 50 Best Snack Foods in America will help keep you lean and full all day long!
FAT HABIT #9: Ordering the combo meal
A study in the Journal of Public Policy & Marketing shows that compared to ordering a la carte, you pick up a hundred or more extra calories by opting for the “combo” or “value meal." Why? Because when you order items bundled together, you're likely to buy more food than you want. You're better off ordering your food piecemeal. That way you won't be influenced by pricing schemes designed to hustle a few more cents out of your pocket.
FAT HABIT #10: Facing the buffet
Cornell researchers found that when eating at a buffet-style restaurant, obese diners were 15 percent more likely to choose seats with a clear view of the food. Your move: Choose a seat that places your back toward the spread. It will help you avoid fixating on the food.
20 NEW TERRIBLE FOODS! Some restaurant foods have an entire day's worth of calories and several days' worth of fat and salt. Avoid these shocking diet disasters at all costs: The Worst Foods in America!
FAT HABIT #11: Eating off larger plates
One study found that when given an option, a whopping 98.6 percent of obese individuals opt for larger plates. Translation: More food, more calories, and more body fat. Keep your portions in check by choosing smaller serving dishes. If need be, you can always go back for seconds. 

FAT HABIT #12: Putting serving dishes on the table
Resist setting out foods buffet- or family-style, and opt instead to serve them from the kitchen. A study in the journal Obesity found that when food is served from the dinner table, people consume 35 percent more over the course of the meal. When an additional helping requires leaving the table, people hesitate to go back for more.

FAT HABIT #13: Choosing white bread
A study from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that when obese subjects incorporated whole grains into their diets, they lost more abdominal fat over the course of 12 weeks. There are likely multiple factors at play, but the most notable is this: Whole grain foods pack in more fiber and an overall stronger nutritional package than their refined-grain counterparts. 

FAT HABIT #14: Taking big bites
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that people who took large bites of food consumed 52 percent more calories in one sitting than those who took small bites and chewed longer. By cutting food into smaller pieces, you can increase satiety and enjoy your food more thoroughly. A good general rule? The smaller your bites, the thinner your waistline.
FAT HABIT #15: Not drinking enough water
Adequate water intake is essential for all your body’s functions, and the more you drink, the better your chances of staying thin. In one University of Utah study, dieting participants who were instructed to drink two cups of water before each meal lost 30 percent more weight than their thirsty peers. And you can magnify the effect by adding ice. German researchers found that six cups of cold water a day could prompt a metabolic boost that incinerates 50 daily calories. That’s enough to shed five pounds a year!
BEVERAGE BONUS: Drinking water is always a smart idea, but there are some beverages that should be avoided at all costs. Protect yourself—and your waistline—from the 20 Worst Drinks in America.
FAT HABIT #16: Having overweight friends
Research from the New England Journal of Medicine indicates that when a friend becomes obese, it ups your chance of obesity by 57 percent. This probably has to do with the social norms that you’re exposed to. Rather than ditch a friend who starts to put on a few extra pounds though, suggest healthy activities that you can do together, and avoid letting him or her dictate the meal (“Let’s split the cheesecake!”)
FAT HABIT #17: Eating too late
Your body can burn flab while you sleep, but only if it isn't too busy processing a full stomach. A new study in the journal Obesity looked at the sleeping and eating habits of 52 people over seven days, and it found that those who ate after 8 p.m. took in the most daily calories and had the highest BMIs.
FAT HABIT #18: Not using a scale
Looking at your body weight reinforces weight-loss goals and makes it difficult to cheat your diet. When University of Minnesota researchers observed dieters who weighed themselves daily, they discovered that the routine of stepping on a scale helped those people lose twice as much weight as those who weighed themselves less frequently. Avoid being thrown of by natural fluctuations in body weight by stepping onto the scale at the same time every day.

FAT HABIT #19: Drinking fruity beverages
Most restaurants and bars have ditched their fresh-fruit recipes in favor of viscous syrups made mostly from high fructose corn syrup and thickening agents. As a general rule, the more garnishes a drink has hanging from its rim, the worse it is for your waistline.
FAT HABIT #20: Eating when emotional
A study from the University of Alabama found that emotional eaters—those who admitted eating in response to emotional stress—were 13 times more likely to be overweight or obese. If you feel the urge to eat in response to stress, try chewing a piece of gum, chugging a glass of water, or taking a walk around the block. Create an automatic response that doesn't involve food and you'll prevent yourself from overloading on calories.
YOUR NEW SHOPPING LIST! There are more than 45,000 options in the average supermarket. Some will wreck your waistline; some will shrink it. The easiest way to choose: Go ahead and put anything from our list of the 125 Best Supermarket Foods in your shopping cart—and watch the pounds drop away!
NEW FROM MEN'S HEALTH: Today's Best Nutrition, Health & Fitness Tips ... How to Do Everything Better! ... 50 Things Men Wish Women Knew!
LOSE 15 POUNDS OF BELLY FAT FAST! Check out the brand new Men's Health Diet or the Women's Health Diet! You'll lose weight and get healthy faster than ever--thanks to a plan that draws on the easiest and most effective research ever published!
EAT RIGHT RULE: If your food can go bad, it's good for you. If it can't go bad, it's bad for you. FOLLOW DAVE ZINCZENKO RIGHT HERE ON TWITTER and get FREE health, nutrition and weight-loss secrets like this one every day! You'll lose weight and get healthy faster than ever!
Get more nutrition, health, and fitness secrets from Men's Health: Subscribe today with this special offer and save 50% off the cover price.
Get the New Book!Eat This, Not That! 2011
Cook This, Not That!Supermarket Guide

Checking In On The Seven Day Challenge

Well I put a challenge out there one week ago. I actually double dog dared your to do it. So who was up for the challenge? Did anyone do it? Did you have success or failure? Did you fall off the horse, but got back on? Last week I watched the scale give me some news that I have been looking for. Mr. scale announced on Friday morning that I am down 75.8 pounds! Yes, I finally hit my 75 pounds of weight loss goal. I am very happy to say that my next goal is 85 pounds gone by Labor Day. I can do it, I know I can!

So, now back to you. What did your scale have to report after seven days of eating to get healthy and fit? Was it the results you were hoping for? Did you put everything you had into making it the best week as possible? If you had less than expected results don't despair. Remember Rome wasn't built in a day, and you and I did not gain our excess weight overnight either!

Take a moment to consider where you may have gotten off track. Was it an extremely stressful time for you? That is an even a greater reason to do something about your weight now. So for those who did not take the challenge or did not see the results that you were looking for, I encourage you to begin today on Part II of the challenge. Do it again. Start over and really keep up with everything, and I mean everything that you put into your mouth. The guidelines are the same, women choose 1400, 1500 or 1600 calories per day. Men choose 1800, 1900, or 2000 calories per day. Look at the previous challenge from my blog post one week ago to see all the other guidelines.

Don't give up on yourself. You can do it, I know you can! I want to hear about your success on the challenge. Go ahead take the challenge, I double dog dare you!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Did You Accept The Challenge?

I posted a few days ago that I wanted to challenge anyone reading my blog to start their own journey to a healthier you. So we are at the half way mark today and I was wondering if anyone took my "double dog dare" and is doing it for themselves. (if you do not know what in the world that I am talking about please refer to blog post dated 7/17/2011)

If you did not begin the Seven Day Challenge, you know it is not too late to do it now! Not tomorrow, not next week, not on Monday, but today. Even if you have already eaten your Hardees Sausage, egg and cheese biscuit. You can start now! I think we all tend to put off what we need to do because it is easier to make excuses than to face it, deal with it, and get it done.

So, I will check back in after one week to see if the challenge was just that a challenge, or maybe it was the "A-Ha Moment" that we all need to kick us into action! Have a great week. I double dog dare you!

Can I Have Your Attention Please!

I wanted to take a moment to reflect on some pictures of me from the past and present.  Yes, I know that this is rather self-indulgent but I think it is important on my journey to a new me to look in the rear view mirror every once in a while to see just how far that I have come.  So sit back and take a little ride through my blog photo album.  You may be surprised at just how bad out of shape that I actually was.
Jan 2007

My Family Easter 2007

Christmas 2007

Jan 2008

Fall 2008
Winter 2009
Spring 2009
Me & My grand daughter, Leah

Vacation in New Brunswick Canada
Sept 2009

Christmas 2009

Jan 2010
May 2010

Aug 2010 picture taken by my grandson CJ
who was only 3 at the time!

Nov 30, 2010
Taken two weeks before
I began My Journey To A New Me!

Kevin & I at the World of Coke
in downtown Atlanta GA

Easter 2011
(I have lost 55 pounds since
begining My Journey to a new me!)

Mary Kay Make-Over
May 2011
Photo of Me
Taken 6-29-2011

I believe it is part of my journey to a new me to reflect on where I have been and where I am now.  If the picture doesn't tell the tale, I do not believe nothing else will either.  I used to hate to have my picture made and if I did I was always trying to hide behind someone or something but now I am happy with the direction that I am going and I refuse to shy away from the camera.  It is important to keep a record of where I am now on my journey to a new me because in a few short months I will look back on the pictures taken today and say, "Wow,  look how far I have come in such a short period of time!"

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

It's True: "You Are What You Eat!"

For my entire life I have heard this simple catch phrase: "You are what you eat" but until I began my journey to a new me I never put two and two together, until now.

If you think about all of the food that is available for us to consume in the world that would be an astounding amount of choices. Here in America we have an abundance of grocery stores, farmers markets, fast food chains, restaurants, and  a million other places to get food.                         

I have spent the last seven months thinking about how it was that I got to be morbidly obese and there are a few places that I liked to visit previously that came vividly to my mind.  If you have ever driven by a Krispy Kreme doughnut shop and seen the neon  "HOT" sign on and not been tempted to turn in you don't know what you are missing!  Well here is a little confession about those tempting hot sugary treats.  When I would drive by and the HOT sign would be lit up my car seemed to go into auto-pilot or something/  I would find myself turning into the parking lot and up to the drive thru window to order not just one or two doughnuts but an entire dozen!  I would not stop with just one but I would down two or three of them and then I would be on such a sugar high that it would take me several hours to come down from it. 

Another down fall for me was driving by my favorite ice cream place.  Brusters Ice Cream Shop.
Brusters Real Ice Cream
They to have a drive thru and my car once again seemed to know it's way there.  I mean look at the logo, doesn't it just beg you to "treat yourself"?  Well that is exactly what I would do.
There was no "Being Good" and getting a sugar free scoop in a cup.  No way! It was two big acoops of full fat, full sugar in a waffle cone!  Who knows how many calories that I was devouring but I was loving every minute of it.

Both of the places above were just a few of my favorite places.  I look at them now as not  "eating places" but "Cheating "Places"!  That is how I have now started to think of them.  Because you see I was enjoying my sweet treats while driving in my car by myself where I thought no one would ever know.  But unfortuately for me, everyone knew because they could see the evidence of my sneaking around and eating anything and everything in sight.  On my journey to a new me I realized that I was sneaking food, but in reality I was cheating myself by eating all the wrong things.

Do I ever think about or crave the sweet delights of my past?  YES!!!  But is it something that I indulge in?  No I have not.  The closest that I have come to falling back into the old habit was a few weeks ago, my family and I went to Brusters Ice Cream in Anderson, SC and I enjoyed one small scoop of Fat Free - Sugar Free chocolate caramel ice cream.  It tasted so sweet and creamy and I ate it very slowly so that I could remember what it tasted like.  I also believe that there is something to be said that I went there with my family.  It was not in private, it was not "on my way home or to church" it was with the people that I love and care about.  I think it made it that much more enjoyable.

I guess that is the difference now.  There is a way to enjoy some of the sweets that I was passionate about in the past, except now I do it in moderation, and I always count the calories. I try to never eat sweets by myself, but always enjoy them with someone else.  My journey to a new me is not about depriving myself but becoming a healthier me and I believe the old saying is true, "You are what you eat!"

Bruster's Menu Image
Be very careful of the drive thru at Brusters Ice Cream Shop. 
You may only be fooling  yourself into thinking that the calories don't matter.
Remember, you are what you eat!

Inspiration Leads To Motivation

As far as I know there is no scientific data or in-depth research to support my claim but I do know that on my journey to a new me that I am discovering for myself that inspiration can lead to motivation!

I am a die hard watcher of the TV show The Biggest Loser. Every season they bring on a new collection of morbidly obese participants and after many weeks of 8 plus hours per day of excessive exercise and personal trainers and a very low carb diet they shed weight like crazy!

Now I know how unrealistic losing ten plus pounds per week really is. I also know that the average overweight person does not have the time in their normal every day life to devote 8 plus hours per day exercising in the gym, but what I do gain from watching this show is inspiration. It is after watching the weekly installment of this show that something happens to me.  There is a spark of inspiration experienced and some how it becomes motivation for me to do it for myself!

'Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition'
Rachel was the first contestant on the show and her start weight was 369 lbs. and she lost 161 lbs. in one year!
The latest season of the Biggest Loser has been over for a couple of months now and a new series has begun airing on ABC called Extreme Makeover - Weight Loss Edition. The goal of the show is for one morbidly obese contestant to get the break of a lifetime. They get their own personal trainer (Chris Powell) who will work with them for one full year to learn how to lose weight and to keep it off. The trainer lives with them for the first three months before leaving them at home on their own to do it on their own.  Just watching this show inspires and motivates me to continue on my own journey to a new me.

The journey that I am on is not a sprint but a marathon.  I am determined to do this for the rest of my life and never u-turn down the path of gaining the weight back and a unhealthy lifestyle.  So allow me to inspire some of you to do it for yourself.  There is no time like the present!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Seven Day Challenge To Eat Right and Get Fit

I don't know about any of you but I have never been able to say no to a challenge. When I was growing up we played outside with all of the neighborhood kids and usually it was one or two girls and the rest wild little boys. We would do crazy things like build ramps to ride our bikes or skateboards off of and "challenge" each other to do it. Sometimes it was more than a challenge it was a dare, and sometimes it was a "double dog dare"! have tried very hard to not put a challenge out on my blog but today I am giving into the temptation and putting it out there. So for all of you out there who are "Up for the challenge" here it is.

The "Seven Day Challenge To Eat Right and Get Fit" consists of the following guidelines.
Women choose your total calorie intake per day
1400, 1500, or 1600
Men choose your total calorie intake per day
1800. 1900, or 2000

Drink only water (tap or bottled, no seltzer or carbonated)
Reduce your coffee and tea intake to no more than two cups per day (cream & sugar substitute only)
Limit Diet Cola to no more than 2 servings per day
No "SWEETS" of any kind including but not limited to Little Debbie Cakes, ice cream, cake, pie, donuts, sweet rolls, cinnamon rolls, candy, cookies, brownies, rice crispy treats, etc  etc
( I think you get the picture)
Take advantage of all the sweet summer fruit that is currently in season to help curb your sweet cravings.
Use calorie counting apps to help you keep up with your calorie intake.  I prefer http://www.myfitnesspal.com/ but there are other options on the web. 

Don't forget to weigh before you begin.  We all need to know where we are starting from.  If you do not have a scale, use one at your gym, or a family or friends.  Don't weigh every day.  As tempting as it may be do not weigh during the week but wait until the same time of day the next week.  Try to wear the same clothing so that the difference in the clothing weight does not interfere with your results.

I did weigh in this morning and I am getting even closer to my 75 pound goal.  As of this morning I was down 74.4 pounds and loving every minute of it.  So, I have put the challenge out there and I am just wondering who is up for the challenge?  What are you waiting for?  I double-dog dare you to do it.  You will be glad that you did!
My husband, Kevin and I on the train ride from
Antoninto, CO to Chama, NM 6-29-2011

Friday, July 15, 2011

I Am A Loser Again

Just a quick post to let everyone know that I am a loser again! As of this morning I am down 73.4 pounds and sneaking up on my 75 poumd mark with just 1.6 pounds to go! My next big goal is set for 85 pounds gone by Labor Day! I know I can do it!

So, where are you on your goal? How are you on your journey? My journey to a new me is well under way and I am excited about all that I have been able to accomplish in just seven short months!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The "Yo-Yo" Effects of Dieting

1970s Yellow Duncan Butterfly Yo Yo

We have all done it. We all have started a diet with every good intention to "Get the weight off once and for all!" I can admit it. I myself have said this with as much conviction as a preacher in a revival under a big tent in the hot and muggy Georgia night. My attempts in the past usually started on a Monday morning and by Wednesday I was either "starving to death" and wanted to eat everything in sight, or I would have actually lost a couple of pounds and therefore thought that I should "reward" myself for all my hard work and the next day I would see all the hard work go down the toilet as I would weigh in at more than I did when I began the diet in the first place.

Now that I am on my journey to a new me, I am happy to report that the "Yo-Yo Dieting" days of my past are over, FOREVER! No longer will I wait until Monday morning to "start being good" and "eat the right things". Those days are in the past. The very distant past. When I look in my rearview mirror on my journey to a new me I can barely make out the woman that I used to be.

What is "Yo-Yo Dieting" and why is it so easy to get into the habit?  Well the answer is very easy. We all like to eat! And usually we like to eat a lot and the wrong things. Not necessarily the "wrong" things but too much of the things that are higher in calories.  This causes us to over-indulge ourselves and then we find ourselves gaining any weight that we may have lost when we were being "good".

When I was a young girl my dad traveled quite a bit for a living and when he would return on Friday evenings he would always try to have a little something in his bag for my sister and I. I can remember one of my favorite things was a yellow Duncan Yo-Yo with a red butterfly on it. When he handed it to me you would have thought he handed me a stack of hundred dollar bills.  I took that yo-yo with me everywhere I went.  It was in the 1970's and I was in sixth grade and I can remember my teacher threatening to take it away from me it I did not put it away.  I will never forget that.

On my journey to a new me, I believe the yo-yo is a perfect illustration of how my weight loss efforts had worked in the past.  During most of my adult life I  would get on a program, and begin to see some success and before long (some times a few days or maybe a week) I would begin to eat more of the foods that I liked and pay less attention to staying on my program,.  I would then beat myself up for "falling off the wagon again" and I would tell myself that I could start over again on Monday.  When I lost weight it always seemed to take longer than it should and when I began to gain it back it came on much faster.  The strange thing is once you allow yourself to "go there" you always gain back more than you lost to begin with. 

I am older now and I no longer play with yo-yo's or even own a yo-yo.   I no longer want to start & stop and start and stop a diet.  The journey that I am on is not a diet but a journey to a new me where I am learning how to eat and live to enjoy a healthier lifestyle.  Every day is a new opportunity for me to become a new me and that is all that I want to be .  So if your playing the "Yo-Yo Diet Game" isn't it time you traded it in for a more rewarding experience and one that you have a great chance of winning?

Biggest Loser Weight Loss Tricks Revealed (Part 3)

This is the third installment in my three part blog post The Biggest Loser Weight Loss Tricks Revealed.  The comments below are from the host of the popular NBC TV reality show and soap star on NBC Days of our lives.

The host of The Biggest Loser is also a mom of two, actress, and author (The Mommy Diet). So how does Sweeney eat right and find time for exercise? Read on.

I stopped looking for a quick fix. About 10 years ago I went from a size 12 to a size 4. I'd tried a million fad diets, but I realized making healthier choices was the best way to keep the weight off. There is no magic pill.

I set a specific goal. After I had my second child, Megan, in January 2008, I wanted to get back to my pre-pregnancy size in time for The Biggest Loser finale in May. I worked hard to achieve that goal -- eating well and taking spin classes. Now I'm the same weight I was before my pregnancy. It was tough losing my tummy but I did it.

I use slimming strategies I've learned on the job. Sometimes I turn my vacation into a mini Biggest Loser boot camp: I clean out my diet, cutting out alcohol, sweets, and other bad stuff. I go to the gym every day. Giving yourself one week to concentrate on your diet and fitness is a great way to jump-start your program

I try to be a role model for my kids. I want to make sure my children [Sweeney also has a son, Ben, 5] learn healthy eating habits. I'm always horrified at the choices I see on kids' menus, like chicken nuggets and fries. Instead, I order a healthy meal off the regular menu and share it with them.

I always seek out new challenges. A friend is doing a race where you climb the stairs to the top of the Empire State Building in New York City. I'd love to do that.

Originally published in Ladies' Home Journal, February 2011.

Biggest Loser Weight Loss Tricks Revealed (Part 2)

Jillian Michaels

This is part two of my three part post on the Biggest Loser Weight Loss Tricks Revealed.  The following tips are shared by veteran trainer, Jillian Michaels.

14. Remind yourself of this bottom line every day:
"Exercise is not about getting in a workout on a Wednesday," says Michaels. "It's about adding 20 years to your life."

15. Beware of mindless munching.
Have you hit a weight-loss plateau? Record your snacks and drinks for a week -- you may discover you're consuming more calories than you think, says Harper.

16. Keep your body guessing.
Your muscles adapt to a workout quickly, so it's important to change your routine regularly, says Harper. Try interval training: Once or twice a week during your daily 45-minute walk add 60-second speed bursts every three minutes or work in some hills.

17. Don't be self-conscious.
"I used to think everyone was looking at me when I went running, but nobody cared," says Michaels. "We all experience insecurity, but most people are thinking about their own bodies, not what you look like."

18. Repeat after Jillian:
"Skinny jeans aren't boring!" Remember those words the next time you're tempted to skip your Pilates class because you think it's a snore.

19. Fuel up your workouts.
"Never exercise on an empty stomach," says Harper. About 30 to 45 minutes before your sweat session, eat an energizing snack that contains carbs, protein, and healthy fats, like an apple with peanut butter or whole-grain cereal with low-fat milk.

20. Savor the self-esteem boost.
"At 13 I got my blue belt in Muay Thai by breaking two boards with my foot," says Michaels. "The next day at school, kids who had been taunting me stopped. I realized that when someone feels physically strong they feel strong in every aspect of their life."

21. Keep it simple.
You don't need fancy equipment to get in great shape. "I'm a big believer in strength moves that use your body weight for resistance, like push-ups, squats, and lunges," says Harper.

22. Let music move you.
Listening to up-tempo tunes while you sweat may help boost your endurance and make your workout seem easier. Michaels's faves: "D.O.A." (Jay-Z), "Won't Back Down" (Eminem), "Alejandro Remix" (Lady Gaga), and "Power" (Kanye West).

23. Eat every four hours.
If you wait any longer than that you're likely to become ravenous, which sets the stage for overeating.

24. Reward yourself the right way.
After making it to the gym three times in one week, treat yourself to a new lipstick or flowers. If you hit a larger goal (losing 5 pounds in a month or running a 5K) get a massage. "Learn how to nurture yourself with nonfood rewards," says Michaels.

25. Focus on the emotional and physical payoffs.
"There are days when my own motivation wanes and I just don't feel like working out," admits Harper. "But I always go back to exercise's biggest benefit of all: It makes me feel good."

Biggest Loser Weight Loss Tricks Revealed (Part 1)

Biggest Loser stars

I have been trying to figure out how to compile all of the Biggest Loser Tips, Tricks and Secrets for a few weeks now, and I have decided to break it into three separate blog post. The first part will be the tips from one of the veteran trainers on the show, Bob Harper, In part two you will learn what Jillian Michaels has to say (It was reported recently that this past season on the show was her final season as she would like to pursue other interest at this time.). and the final entry will offer insights from the host of the show, Allie McSwinney, who has never been a participant on the show but has picked up many tips over the past ten seasons hosting the show.

1. Gradually rehab your eating habits.
Drastic changes are nearly impossible to maintain. A smarter approach? Add a new nutritious food to your diet each week. "Try a recipe that uses leafy vegetables like kale, or switch to filling, high-fiber grains like whole wheat pasta," suggests Harper. Cut out one unhealthy thing each week as well

2. Steer clear of temptation.
"If you always pass your favorite fast-food restaurant on the way home from work, find an alternate route or pop some gum when you drive by," says Michaels. At the office, stash healthy snacks at your desk so you don't need to raid the vending machine. Harper recommends dry-roasted nuts like almonds, walnuts, and cashews.

3. Be realistic.
If it's been ages since you exercised, don't vow to jog three miles a day. Start small: Go for a walk three times a week. Tackling little goals will inspire you to take on larger ones.

4. Get fit with like-minded friends.
The contestants on The Biggest Loser bond because they share the same challenges and goals, says Harper. Join an exercise class with a friend or two so you can cheer each other on.

5. Shop for a week's worth of meals.
Create a healthy menu, then put the foods you'll need -- and only those foods -- on your shopping list. If you don't plan ahead, it's too easy to say, "Forget it, let's order pizza" at dinnertime.

6. Put exercise on your schedule.
Just as you plan out when you're going to see friends, write down the days on your calendar when you're going to exercise, says Michaels. Think of your workouts as mandatory me time -- a chance to clear your head and tune in to your own needs.

7. Revel in small successes.
One of Harper's favorite Losers is army veteran O'Neal Hampton from season nine. "He's a powerful man but he could barely walk up the stairs for his first weigh-in," Harper recalls. "After a while he was able to climb those stairs. It was a small moment but it was also huge. He had this look on his face that said, "You cared about me and took the time to help."

8. Trick yourself into exercising.
Think you're too tired to work up a sweat? Tell yourself you'll exercise for just 15 minutes. It doesn't feel intimidating. Plus, once your blood starts flowing and the endorphins kick in, chances are you'll get more energy and want to go longer, says Michaels.

9. Get your family on board.
"You need a good support system when you're trying to make positive lifestyle changes," says Harper. "If everyone is eating burgers and fries while you're having fish and salad, it's easy to lose your willpower." Start incorporating healthier options into your family's meals, such as vegetables and meat-free dishes.

10. Think like a loser.
When The Biggest Loser contestants need to psych themselves up for their workouts, they repeat this mantra: "Believe in yourself. Trust the process. Change forever." See if these words give you a lift the next time you're low on motivation.

11. Spice up your workout.
Going for the same walk every day gets dull, so try something new once a month: Work in an occasional spin or yoga class or add some fitness DVDs to your Netflix queue.

12. Inspire yourself.
Don't post photos of the overweight you on your refrigerator. "Going negative sets a negative tone for everything you do," says Harper. Display a picture from a time when you looked great in a bathing suit to keep you motivated.

13. Don't obsess over the scale.
Instead, find an item in your closet that's too snug and use it to track your weight loss. "When you try on something that was once tight and discover it fits, that's more gratifying than any number," says Harper.

Monday, July 11, 2011

What Is My Biggest Obstacle On My Journey To A New Me?

I have been traveling down My Journey To A New Me for seven months now, and it seems like just a few short weeks ago that I began this adventure. I am being serious when I say this. If I had a clue on December 11, 2010 that I would have had this much success and would be continuing my efforts in my weight loss and healthier lifestyle I would not have believed it myself. As of this morning I am down 71.4 pounds, just 3.6 pounds away from my July 4th goal of 75 pounds of weight loss. I know that July 4th has already passed but I refuse to stop trying to hit that mark until I hit it and surpass it!

I was recently asked a question and at the time I did not put very much thought into the answer but during the last week to ten days I have given it more thought and I would like to share those with anyone reading this blog.

The question was: "What is your biggest obstacle?" I think I replied eating out or something to that nature, but that was more of a "pat" answer than anything else. I believe my biggest obstacle is not eating out, or eating any certain types of foods. I believe my biggest obstacle in the past and still today is ME!

You are probably wondering why would I say me, right? Well there are many reasons but I will only list a one today. One of the biggest problems that I had in past was the obstacle of denial. Denial is a tricky word and one that can be harmful to the person who is in it (denial that is). I know first hand because for most of my adult life I lived in the fairytale land of denial. I had more denial going on than there are reruns on TV in the summer time. Denial about my real health status. Denial that I was not just overweight but in fact obese. Well not just obese but morbidly obese. To be ten, twenty or thirty pounds above your goal weight is "overweight" to be 100 pounds over your goal weight is obese, and I had exceeded this into the realm of morbidly obese. What is still interesting to me is that I still lived with myself, looked in the mirror each day, and thought I looked okay. That, my friend, is DENIAL in it's truest form.

On my journey to a new me I discovered that denial is not something that you do one day and then you don't do it the next day. Once you get into the arena of denial you stay with it. My clothes would become "tighter" and I would make excuses that the dryer was shrinking my clothes. When the seasons would change from winter to spring and I started changing out my clothes from one season to the next in my closest I found myself buying new summer clothes, and shorts. Why? Because the old ones were out of style? No, but because they were too small.
This was not just an excuse to buy new clothes but another trip into denial.

I think about the very public court cases that go to trial. To everyone watching on the news at night we can easily find the person guilty, but to the person who did the crime they are still in denial and claiming their innocence. I have heard it said before that someone who is not truthful in their answers, if given the opportunity to repeat the same lies over and over again will begin to believe the lies as facts, and that to me is another form of denial.

Well I refuse to do that anymore. I am no longer kidding myself, or anyone else for that matter. I choose to exit the "denial arena". I am learning more and more about myself every day, but one practice that I do not want to continue any more is denial. I have had enough of that to last my lifetime and then some. If you are kidding yourself, I ask you to do yourself a favor. Get out of the "denial arena" you have a lot more living to do once you do it!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Enquiring Minds Want To Know

The time has finally come for me to answer that question that many of you have been wondering for the past few days, did I hit my 75 pound weight loss goal by July 4th? Well I will not keep you in suspense any further. I will not drag this out. I promise not to leave you on the edge of your seat in anticipation. The answer is no I did not hit my 75 pound weight loss goal by July 4th.

Okay so now you are probably wondering where am I in the weight loss tally, right? Well let me begin by saying that I have just completed an 11 day vacation! I have seen and done more in the past eleven days than you can imagine. But this morning on July 5th when I visited Mr. Scale he announced that I was up .4 of a pound. Not 4 pounds but 4/10ths of a pound. That was it. That was the whole enchilada you might say. That was the entire damage from my vacation. After the disappoint from not hitting my 75 pound weight loss goal, I had a moment to reflect on what I had accomplished over the past seven months on my journey to a new me and I was amazed to say the least.

When I started on this journey I was not so sure how far it would take me. You see I have done the diet thing before with very little success and how did I know that this time would be any different? Well honestly I did 't know. All that I knew was that I had a 1400 calorie per day limit on my food intake, but according to my doctor I could "spend" that 1400 calories on anything that I wanted. So, that being the parameters for my journey I set out at a pace to try and lose 1-1/2 to 2 pounds per week and you know what? I am right on target!

I can't beat myself up too much about not hitting 75 pounds by July 4th because I need to take in consideration 1.) I was on vacation and it was not always the easiest thing to count and know for sure how many calories that I was eating every day. 2.) We went out to eat Every Meal! 3.) With the difference in altitude in Colorado we were drinking 1 to 1-1/2 gallons of water per day plus Gatorade G2 low calorie sports drinks to stay hydrated. 4.) I have to cut me a little slack after all I was on Vacation!

I am not making excuses, but only telling it like it really is. I love to set goals and I love to achieve them even more, but I learned a long time ago that setting the goal is almost just as important as hitting the goal. Why? Because is takes courage to set a goal and then a little more courage to "let it be known". Because once you say it everyone is looking at you to "do it". And I may not have hit the 75 pound weight loss goal by July 4th but I believe in myself and I know tha I can hit this plus 10 more by Labor Day! So with that goal in mind, I begin my day with a 85 pounds to lose by Labor Day. I know I can do it for myself. What are you doing for yourself? What goals have you set and what goals have you achieved lately? Don't be afraid to let it be known tell someone today and do your best to achieve it!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Train Rides Are A Blast From The Past

On my journey to a new me I am learning and rediscovering all sorts of things about myself, and here is a little known fact about me, I love western movies, cowboys, indians, and trains!  Over three years ago when we took a vacation out west my supervisor at work had asked me if we were going as far as Chama, New Mexico?  I asked him why and he said that if we ever got a chance we should take the train ride from Chama, New Mexico to Antonito, CO.  He explained that this is considered the best of the best narrow gauge coal fired steam locomotive and that it was the best way to see the Rocky Mountains.  On our previous vacation we never made it that far across the state of New Mexico to take the train ride, but this time we made a special point to travel the extra distance to enjoy the experience. 

The main entrance to the
Cumbres & Toltec RR
Antonito, CO
 We set our GPS with the address of the train depot and upon arriving to the station I knew that we were about to experience a ride of a lifetime. 
We arrived at the train depot with a few minutes
to spare and found our seats on the third passenger car.  The engineer was already sounding the whistle and the conductor was shouting his last minute "All Aboard".  We began the journey and waited in anticipation as we left
the valley of Antonito, CO and began our ascent into the great Rocky Mountains.

There are several train ride packages available and we had decided on the full day excursion.  Having never before ridden on a train of this type
for any length of time, we really did not know what we were getting ourselves in for.

Kevin & Kathy before the train ride began!
 As the train began to move down the track people on the train began walking from one car to the next and through our car to the "open air car" behind us.  With my curiosity rising, I got up and made my way to the back of the bus so to speak to see what all the fuss was about.

The open air car was just that, a train car with no top or sides that you can stand against the side wall and see all that there is to see.  The air that started out refreshing soon became a little unbearable for some who chose to move back into the passenger car, but me?  I thought to myself, what the heck I may never have this experience again so I am going to make the most of it.  As the train moved along the tracks we saw a different landscape appear right before our eyes!  The flat land of the valley in Antonito moved up into the 10,000 feet plus Rocky Mountains with more Aspen trees and cedar trees (Think a Christmas Tree farm times 1,000,000!!)  because for as far as the eyes could see the world was as green as green could be.

Half way through to our destination they stopped in a town that consisted of one building and that was the train station and cafeteria that you could choose from Turkey & Dressing.mashed potatoes and green beans
Meatloaf and mashed potatoes and green beans or Soup and Salad.  We dined on Turkey & Dressing, well I should say I dined on Turkey & Dressing, Kevin ate Turkey and a double serving of mashed potatoes!
The gravy was a little different but everything was still very tasty.  They had a wide assortment of desserts, which I ate none, and any type of drink that you could imagine.  It was here that we had our very first glass of iced tea on this entire vacation!  I had two glasses of unsweet tea and then switched over to a sugar-free peach punch.

I purchased a few items in the very small gift shop and we were on our way again.  The sights were very similar to the beginning of the trip and I spent more time in the passenger cabin with my hubby.

 I  never realized until the train pulled into the train depot in Chama, NM that I was covered in soot from the steam engine.  My pretty light teal polo shirt was "gray" from the smoke from the train engine, and my hair!
Oh my goodness!  There are no words to describe my hair!  The blonde hair now looked more blackish gray than anything else!  And I smelled pretty too!  Like I had been "working on the railroad myself"!  It was an experience of a lifetime that much is for sure.  The train only traveled at 22 mph so you could really see and enjoy what you were seeing, but maybe next time we will choose the enclosed air conditioned deluxe car to better enjoy the journey, but just like my journey to a new me, I am learning a little more every day what
I enjoy and what I would do again, and some times they are the same and sometimes it requires a little bit of changing!  So from one train lover to the next, I'll see you at the next stop!