For the past few weeks on my drive into the office I see the big yellow school buses everywhere picking up children to start back the new school year after being out all summer. What was interesting to me was to see how much some of the children had grown over the summer. Not just in their height but in their overall size. I made me wonder about the nutrition that the children in America are getting. And what are we as the parents and grandparents feeding our kids.
I remember when I was a young girl I spent almost every minute of every day playing outside in my neighborhood after school, and all day on Saturdays. Today with the convenience of video games, satellite TV, and the internet children don't seem to spend as much time outdoors any more, and they choose to spend their time infront a computer screen or TV screen. So how many calories are they burning enjoying this seditary activity?
There was a recent article (Health Day News - July 26,2011) that talked about the rising obesity epidemic in our children and that it is at an all time high level. Young children are not only being diagnosed with diabetes Type 1 (insulin dependent) but they are also being diagnosed with diabetes Type 2, which is usually not experienced until after 40 years of age. So what is happening among our children, teens and young adults? Why the shift to becoming overweight, and in many instances, obese? I believe it is the nutrition that we are feeding them.
I have always believed that it is less expensive to eat junk food than to eat healthy food. I have friends and family tell me all the time, "Healthy food is just way to expensive. I can't afford to be on a diet!" Well here is some shocking news, I do somewhat agree with these statements. Just look at one of my favorite high calorie foods that I enjoyed quite often before begining my journey to a new me. I found these sinful delights very tasty and very affordable. For under $2.00 I could indulge myself with something sweet and chocolate. So what is it you ask? Little Debbie Snack Cakes. My all time favorite is the Swiss Cake Roll. Each box contains packages individually wrapped and each package has two cakes. There are a total of 12 cakes in each box for under $2.00! Now doesn't that sound like a great deal?

Here is what I was able to find on the Little Debbie website.
"Chocolate cake rolled around a layer of creme filling and
drenched with fudge coating. Available twin-wrapped in a
12 count carton."
"For those with a big hunger, try our NEW Swiss Roll Big Pack
with 12 larger cakes."
drenched with fudge coating. Available twin-wrapped in a
12 count carton."
"For those with a big hunger, try our NEW Swiss Roll Big Pack
with 12 larger cakes."
Now can you imagine, if the regular Swiss Cake Roll is not enough sugar and chocolate to kill you, they now offer a New Swiss Roll Big Pack with 12 Larger Cakes. Are you kidding me? What are they trying to do to the children in America? Don't they know that out of convenience and to save money on their grocery bill that moms across this country are buying these sweet treats by the truckloads and packing them in their "Little Johnny's" lunch bag?
We need to wake up and see what we are doing to our children. The old saying "You are what you eat " is very true. If we keep this up we are going to see alot of Swiss Cake Roll children rolling not walking down the street. I know that I have singled out the Little Debbie Swiss Cake Roll but the same thing can be said for all the high sugar, high calorie treats out there. There is no cookie, cake, candy or junk food that is not guilty of the same thing.
And the sad part is many children if given the choice would rather eat healthy snacks and fruit but because these items are more expensive they are often cut from the grocery list. Here is a challenge for everyone out there with children living at home. For one full week stop buying the junk food. Stop bringing it into your home. For one week only indulge in fresh fruit from the produce section of your super market or produce stand. Summer is the very best time for many types of fruits in season, watermelon, cantaloupe, peaches, strawberries, pears, grapes, the list is endless. Don't just think about it, please try it. You will be glad you did, and your children will be glad that you did too!
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