Now that I have been on my journey to a new
me for over 20 months I have begun to wonder what happens when I get to my goal
weight. Not that I am anywhere near my
goal, but I still have given much thought to what my life will be like when I
am living in a healthier body. There was
a recent article on in the healthy living section that got my attention
and I want to share some of it with my readers. If you have not read the last two blog post please stop reading this one and catch yourself up. This is part three of the three part series on 15 ways to stay slim for life!
15 Ways to Stay Slim for Life
it through life’s big obstacles and events without gaining a pound
Going on Vacation
Why you might pack on
pounds When
you’re trying new foods, ditching exercise for sleeping in,
and not sticking to a routine, a getaway creates the perfect storm for weight
gain, says Batayneh.
Stay thin Picking a rental property
over a hotel means you’ll have an opportunity to cook meals at home, which can
cut down on your daily calorie intake. When you’re dining out, choose one item
to indulge in, whether it’s a margarita or freshly baked bread. Finally, pack
healthy snacks such as a Kind Nuts & Spices bars (each has less than 5 g of
sugar along with 5 to 7 g of protein and fiber) in your bag so you don’t go
overboard when you need a little nosh.
Why you might pack on
When you’re chilled to the bone, eating can be one of the fastest ways to warm
up. Digesting food increases your metabolic rate and generates heat, McAllister
Stay thin Just because you’re
hungry or cold doesn’t mean you need a 450-calorie latte. Warm up with a bowl
of chicken or vegetable broth-based soup or a cup of tea.
Raising a Child
Why you might pack on
“I get so much sleep,” said
no mom ever. Being tired is a way of life for many new mothers, but it can do
serious damage to your waistline. Research has linked a lack of sleep to weight
gain, as sleep deprivation drives down levels of the appetite-suppressing
hormone leptin while increasing levels of ghrelin, a hormone that stimulates
hunger, McAllister says.
Stay thin If eight hours a night
isn’t going to happen, make sure you get the best quality of sleep possible.
Use darkening shades, buy a white noise fan, and keep the temperature in your
bedroom at 66 degrees, which has been shown to optimize sleep
Why you might pack on
pounds It
doesn’t get dark as early, so you’re probably eating dinner later or snacking
into the wee hours of the night. You could also be throwing back beers at a
baseball game or sipping sangria on a deck, and those calories add up quickly,
Zied says.
Stay thin You don’t need to give
up ice cream or barbecues,
just don’t indulge of in all of summer’s tempting treats in one day. But it’s
all about calories in and out, so don’t do both on one day. And we hate to be a
buzz-kill, but if you find that you’re always gaining weight during the summer,
you may want to do a calorie count to figure out when you have room in your
diet to splurge on a hot dog – and when you need to stick with a salad.
Why you might pack on
The hormonal changes that happen during menopause make women more likely to
gain weight in their abdominal areas, Keri Glassman says. In fact, women burn
about 200 fewer calories per day when they’re post-menopausal, according to a
study published in the International Journal of Obesity.
Stay thin While the average person
may burn 200 fewer calories daily, your experience may be different, notes Keri
Glassman. Slowly reduce your calorie intake or increase your exercise frequency
until you stop gaining.
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