I don't know about you but I am not a wasteful person. I am not saying that I don't waste some things but when it comes to counting my 1400 calories on My Journey To A Mew Me I am very careful not to "waste" a single calorie.
If I am eating a baked potato I don't always use sour cream or butter, but I do what I stated in an earlier blog post, I go topless! It is funny how you don't really know what something taste like until you try this. I find that after eating about half of the potato I am satisfied and I just leave the rest on my plate or sometimes take it in a to go box. Which means it stays in my refrigerator until it is so old that I have to throw it away!
Well as I look around at work, restaurants, and other places I see many people "drinking" their calories. I have not had a glass of Sweet Iced Tea since I began on My Journey To A New Me, and for those of you who "know" me, you know this is a challenge in itself! My old philosophy was, "If it ain't sweet, it ain't iced tea". But those days are long gone. I still enjoy iced tea, but I use Splenda or Stevia to sweeten it now. (I tried aspartame "Equal" but it gave me a fierce headache!)
So just how many calories are in some of your favorite drinks? I thought you would never ask.
I am going to give a run down of drinks and if there is a sugar free alternative I will also list that as well. A small disclaimer before I begin, I do not drink any alcoholic beverages, beer wine, or any other type of liquor, so you will not find any of these calorie counts included in this post, but the information is available online.
Coca Cola "Classic". 140 calories per 12 oz. Can |
Diet Coke. 1 calorie per 12 oz. Can |
Coke Zero 0 Calories per 12 oz. can |
Sprite 150 calories per 12 oz. can |
Mountain Dew 170 calories per 12 oz. can |
G2 Gatorade 45 calories per 20 oz. bottle |
Any way back to my thoughts on "Drinking Your Calories". Did you know that a McDonalds large Sweet Iced Tea that only cost $1.00 has approximately 280 Calories! Yes! 280 calories! So, if I was indulging in this special treat every day, I would only have 1120 calories for real food!
Pepsi 150 calories per 12 oz. can |
Gatorade Orange 130 calories per 20 oz. bottle
200 calories per 32 oz bottle |
Wow! Just looking up all of the calorie counts for these beverages made me think, "No wonder the American public is so overweight and out of shape!" The average person probably consumes at least three of these beverages per day, if they are only having one drink with their meals which is very low. (I know people who drink a 2-liter bottle of Coca Cola classic every day all by themselves!)
I don't know about you, but I believe that drinking my calories is not the "wisest" choice when I am deciding how I will spend my 1400 calories per day on My Journey To A New Me. How many calories are you drinking on a daily basis? Have you ever thought about it?
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