I have been asked numerous times in many different ways what exactly was "THE" Thing that got me started on My Journey To A New Me? Friends and family alike are wondering what happened that has caused me to begin on this journey. What was my "A-HA" moment? How did I go from not caring what I looked like and how unhealthy I was to this journey to becoming a healthier and happier me? Well for all of the "enquiring minds" out there, here are all the answers
On December 11, 2010 on a trip to the doctor to receive a breathing treatment and medication for an upper respiratory infection and bronchitis I met a doctor in the practice that I had never seen before. The things that this doctor said to me during this visit got me thinking. "What if I could make changes in my life and lose 100 pounds in one year?" What would that feel like? What would I look like? Is it even possible? What would I have to do to accomplish this? How hard would it be? Am I kidding myself?
The doctor said things to me that triggered my mind into thinking that I can do this. He explained that my body does not know the difference between a carrot stick and a piece of carrot cake. What is important is that I count the calories that I eat every day. He originally wanted me to go on 1200 calories per day but I told him that this was just not enough! Then he gave me an additional 200 calories which gave me a 1400 calorie per day "allowance": It is funny to think of it now, but I was sort of brain-washed into thinking that I had drove a hard bargain with the doctor by getting those extra 200 calories per day.
So on my drive home I opened up to my husband and shared with him all that the doctor had said to me in the office that day. He was quiet at first and then when he spoke his reply was so simple, he said: "I think you can do it!" His response caught me off guard at first. My mind was having a hard time grasping the 1400 calories and how hard it would be to stick with it, and my husband it telling me that he "thinks" I can do it!
That afternoon I took some time to figure it out. Where to start? This was not going to be the easiest thing that I had ever done. But I have always loved a challenge. So I needed to find an easy and convenient way to keep up with the food that I would be eating to reach my 1400 calories per day.
My search lead me to my lap top and that is where I discovered http://www.myfitnesspal.com/. This easy to use website has so many tools to help everyone set weight loss goals, stay on track with their food intake, and exercise and it give you charts of your progress!! This little tool was going to make my journey a little smoother, but now that I was equipped for the journey to lose 100 pounds, I had to set my mind on the right things.
I believe that 95% of losing weight is in your mind. Why? Because if you can't visualize yourself doing it and reaching your goal, you probably will not be able to do it. How did I come up with the goal of losing 100 pounds in one year? Is this all that I want to lose? Well the answers to those questions are easy. I came up with the 100 pounds in one year by simply making a goal of 2 pounds of weight loss per week and multiplying it out over 52 weeks in a year. Oh, I know the math is not 100% accurate, in 52 weeks of losing 2 pounds per week I should be at 104 pounds, but I wanted to use a nice "round" number (no pun intended on the ":round" part.) As for the answer to the other question, do I just want to lose 100 lbs. the answer is yes, and yes! Yes I want to lose 100 lbs. in one year and then Yes! I will set my next goal once I have acheived that one.
The hardest part was actually doing it. I know me better than anyone else and I knew that if My Journey To A New Me felt like a diet then I would not do it. So, with this thought in mind I decided to eat the foods that I would normally eat but count every calorie that went into my mouth! If I wanted pizza, I counted it. If I wanted Mexican food, I counted it. If I wanted a McDonald's kids meal, hamburger and apple slices with caramel dip, I counted it. For friends and family who have sat down and enjoyed a meal with me they can testify that I do not eat like I am deprived, or on a diet! Why? Because I am not on a diet. I am on a journey to a new and healthier me and it just involves eating less calories than I used to, not cutting out all the foods that I enjoy. How enjoyable would it be to go on a journey any where and eat foods that you did not enjoy. Foods that were foreign to you, and foods that were not satisfying to you? When I get to the place that my body says "I am done. I am at my goal weight. I am not going to drop one more pound." I want to be able to enjoy this place for the rest of my life, not start gaining weight back the moment I start to eat something that was not on my "DIET".
The blog was the next part of the equation that did not come until 5 or 6 weeks into my journey. My daughter-in-law was encouraged by my weekly and sometimes daily praise reports of the weight just seeming to melt off, and she began to tell me that I should blog my experience. She said that it may encourage or inspire others who struggle with the same issues.
So first I had to figure out what a blog was, and what you did with one. That was an easy search on google for free blogs to discover the eblogger that my blog is posted on. Yes, I could have added advertisers to my blog and made money off of the posts but that has never been my focus. I just want others to be encouraged to do it for themselves. I pray that my journey to a new me will encourage, inspire and motivate anyone who needs to be encouraged, inspired or motivated.
Motivation is an interesting aspect of why I am doing this. There is so much motivating me to get healthier. I have lived the first 47 years of my life overweight. During childhood I was the chunky girl, the heavyset girl, and the girl who needed to lose some weight. I would receive compliments about my clothes or jewelry but not about me. Older family friends would say things like, "You have such a pretty face." That is okay but what about the rest of me? Am I chopped liver? I decided that I got myself this way and only I can do something about it. No one is forcing food down my throat. No one is holding a gun to my head telling me to eat. I have the power, the sheer will power, to do this. There is a scripture in God's word that tells me
"I can do all things through Christ who strengtheneth me !" Phillipians 4:13 I believe that this is a promise from God to ME!
That is a verse that I meditate on and I think about when things are hectic and food temptations arise. It is weird but the longer that I have been on this journey the more I want to be going down this path. I can't imagine turning back now. As of today I am down 56.8 pounds and I believe 60 is right around the bend.
I have advice for anyone who is making the decison to do this for themself. First you may want to speak to your physican. Although my doctor instructed me to eat 1400 calories per day, your situation may be different and you may need more or less in your daily intake. Next, set a one year goal, a six month goal and a three month goal. By breaking it down into smaller numbers you can reach milestones and have more opportunities to celebrate your success. Also, keep a journal of some type. I just so happened to enjoy posting in my blog. At first I posted in my blog but did not share it with anyone but my husband, my parents and my son and daughter-in-law. Now I want to share it with the entire world!
And finally, give yourself a break. Once you begin down this road you will hit potholes, ruts, bumpy parts, and detours, but stay the course. If you veer off get back on. If your car should leave the road and get on the shoulder you don't continue on the shoulder, you make the correction and you get back on the road. That is the same with this journey. I am in it for the long haul. How about you?
On December 11, 2010 on a trip to the doctor to receive a breathing treatment and medication for an upper respiratory infection and bronchitis I met a doctor in the practice that I had never seen before. The things that this doctor said to me during this visit got me thinking. "What if I could make changes in my life and lose 100 pounds in one year?" What would that feel like? What would I look like? Is it even possible? What would I have to do to accomplish this? How hard would it be? Am I kidding myself?
The doctor said things to me that triggered my mind into thinking that I can do this. He explained that my body does not know the difference between a carrot stick and a piece of carrot cake. What is important is that I count the calories that I eat every day. He originally wanted me to go on 1200 calories per day but I told him that this was just not enough! Then he gave me an additional 200 calories which gave me a 1400 calorie per day "allowance": It is funny to think of it now, but I was sort of brain-washed into thinking that I had drove a hard bargain with the doctor by getting those extra 200 calories per day.
So on my drive home I opened up to my husband and shared with him all that the doctor had said to me in the office that day. He was quiet at first and then when he spoke his reply was so simple, he said: "I think you can do it!" His response caught me off guard at first. My mind was having a hard time grasping the 1400 calories and how hard it would be to stick with it, and my husband it telling me that he "thinks" I can do it!
That afternoon I took some time to figure it out. Where to start? This was not going to be the easiest thing that I had ever done. But I have always loved a challenge. So I needed to find an easy and convenient way to keep up with the food that I would be eating to reach my 1400 calories per day.
My search lead me to my lap top and that is where I discovered http://www.myfitnesspal.com/. This easy to use website has so many tools to help everyone set weight loss goals, stay on track with their food intake, and exercise and it give you charts of your progress!! This little tool was going to make my journey a little smoother, but now that I was equipped for the journey to lose 100 pounds, I had to set my mind on the right things.
I believe that 95% of losing weight is in your mind. Why? Because if you can't visualize yourself doing it and reaching your goal, you probably will not be able to do it. How did I come up with the goal of losing 100 pounds in one year? Is this all that I want to lose? Well the answers to those questions are easy. I came up with the 100 pounds in one year by simply making a goal of 2 pounds of weight loss per week and multiplying it out over 52 weeks in a year. Oh, I know the math is not 100% accurate, in 52 weeks of losing 2 pounds per week I should be at 104 pounds, but I wanted to use a nice "round" number (no pun intended on the ":round" part.) As for the answer to the other question, do I just want to lose 100 lbs. the answer is yes, and yes! Yes I want to lose 100 lbs. in one year and then Yes! I will set my next goal once I have acheived that one.
The hardest part was actually doing it. I know me better than anyone else and I knew that if My Journey To A New Me felt like a diet then I would not do it. So, with this thought in mind I decided to eat the foods that I would normally eat but count every calorie that went into my mouth! If I wanted pizza, I counted it. If I wanted Mexican food, I counted it. If I wanted a McDonald's kids meal, hamburger and apple slices with caramel dip, I counted it. For friends and family who have sat down and enjoyed a meal with me they can testify that I do not eat like I am deprived, or on a diet! Why? Because I am not on a diet. I am on a journey to a new and healthier me and it just involves eating less calories than I used to, not cutting out all the foods that I enjoy. How enjoyable would it be to go on a journey any where and eat foods that you did not enjoy. Foods that were foreign to you, and foods that were not satisfying to you? When I get to the place that my body says "I am done. I am at my goal weight. I am not going to drop one more pound." I want to be able to enjoy this place for the rest of my life, not start gaining weight back the moment I start to eat something that was not on my "DIET".
The blog was the next part of the equation that did not come until 5 or 6 weeks into my journey. My daughter-in-law was encouraged by my weekly and sometimes daily praise reports of the weight just seeming to melt off, and she began to tell me that I should blog my experience. She said that it may encourage or inspire others who struggle with the same issues.
So first I had to figure out what a blog was, and what you did with one. That was an easy search on google for free blogs to discover the eblogger that my blog is posted on. Yes, I could have added advertisers to my blog and made money off of the posts but that has never been my focus. I just want others to be encouraged to do it for themselves. I pray that my journey to a new me will encourage, inspire and motivate anyone who needs to be encouraged, inspired or motivated.
Motivation is an interesting aspect of why I am doing this. There is so much motivating me to get healthier. I have lived the first 47 years of my life overweight. During childhood I was the chunky girl, the heavyset girl, and the girl who needed to lose some weight. I would receive compliments about my clothes or jewelry but not about me. Older family friends would say things like, "You have such a pretty face." That is okay but what about the rest of me? Am I chopped liver? I decided that I got myself this way and only I can do something about it. No one is forcing food down my throat. No one is holding a gun to my head telling me to eat. I have the power, the sheer will power, to do this. There is a scripture in God's word that tells me
"I can do all things through Christ who strengtheneth me !" Phillipians 4:13 I believe that this is a promise from God to ME!
That is a verse that I meditate on and I think about when things are hectic and food temptations arise. It is weird but the longer that I have been on this journey the more I want to be going down this path. I can't imagine turning back now. As of today I am down 56.8 pounds and I believe 60 is right around the bend.
I have advice for anyone who is making the decison to do this for themself. First you may want to speak to your physican. Although my doctor instructed me to eat 1400 calories per day, your situation may be different and you may need more or less in your daily intake. Next, set a one year goal, a six month goal and a three month goal. By breaking it down into smaller numbers you can reach milestones and have more opportunities to celebrate your success. Also, keep a journal of some type. I just so happened to enjoy posting in my blog. At first I posted in my blog but did not share it with anyone but my husband, my parents and my son and daughter-in-law. Now I want to share it with the entire world!
And finally, give yourself a break. Once you begin down this road you will hit potholes, ruts, bumpy parts, and detours, but stay the course. If you veer off get back on. If your car should leave the road and get on the shoulder you don't continue on the shoulder, you make the correction and you get back on the road. That is the same with this journey. I am in it for the long haul. How about you?
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Kathy & Kevin Easter '2011 (Kathy is down 55 lbs.!!!) |
1 comment:
Hey girl, We really enjoyed our fellowship with you guys today! Found your blog and excited about reading it. The pictures are amazing!!!! We will have you guys over for dinner one weekend soon. Let me get out for summer break. Love you!
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