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Friday, April 6, 2012

Great Weight Loss Advice From The Experts

Today I read some very interesting information in the  msn.com health section.  You may find some of these ideas interesting as well.  Check it out for yourself, and try a few of them if you dare.

Begin with Breakfast

Overhauling your eating habits can be overwhelming, but if you’re serious about it, you have to start somewhere. “If a client is at a loss for where to start a weight loss plan, I encourage them to think about breakfast first,” says Sarah Krieger, RD, a spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Krieger advises clients to fill up on foods packed with protein and fiber. “If they typically eat nothing for breakfast, I encourage them to start by having a piece of fruit and nonfat latte.”

Follow the 15-Minute Rule

It takes about 20 minutes for your brain to realize that your belly’s full, says Erin Palinski, RD, CPT, author of the forthcoming Belly Fat Diet for Dummies. After polishing off a plate of food, Palinksi tells clients to step away for 15 minutes and distract themselves by drinking water, going for a walk—anything that takes their minds off of food. “If you are still truly hungry, it’s okay to go back for a bit more, but most of the time you will find that you actually are satisfied,” she says.

Dine in a Distraction-Free Zone

“When it comes to weight loss, the biggest mistake my clients make is eating while working, driving, watching TV, and so on,” says Alyse Levine, RD, of the Los Angeles-based nutrition practice Nutritionbite. Multitasking at mealtime encourages you to chow down when you’re not hungry or munch more than you need to feel full, she explains. Have breakfast, lunch, dinner, and even snacks at a table without a screen in sight.

Put Quality Food Before Calorie-Counting

Eating fewer calories is the key to losing weight. And while you could technically munch your way to a smaller waistline by nibbling 100-calorie packs of cookies and crackers all day, eating more of the right foods is an essential part of staying on track, says Marjorie Nolan, RD, CPT, an Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics spokesperson. She teaches clients to harness the hunger hormone ghrelin by combining items from each food group in ways that cut cravings between meals. For example, mix fiber and protein at breakfast or protein and carbohydrates postworkout.

Split Your Lunch

No, we don’t mean pack enough for a coworker, too. Share your lunch with yourself. “Eat just half your sandwich or salad, and save the other half for that inevitable 2:30 energy slump or potential vending machine raid,” suggests Marisa Moore, RD, an Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics spokesperson. If you do need an afternoon snack, go for pistachios in the shell. “Not only are pistachios a crunchy source of fiber, protein, and heart-healthy fats, the process of shelling the nuts slows down the eating process and gives your body more time to register the feeling of fullness,” Moore says.

These are only a few of the ideas shared in the article from msn.com.  But I must admit that I really liked them, and especially the last one about splitting your lunch.  I think that it is time that I used some of these idea to help me get around my road block.  I am never giving up, and neither should you!  We deserve to be the best and healthiest that we can be. 

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