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Saturday, August 18, 2012

Meeting With The Mystery Nutrionist

This blog post is a continuation of my previous blog post, "Just When I Thought I Had It All Figured Out".  If you have not already read that blog post, please stop reading this one and catch yourself up so that you will know what is going on in this post.  I am going to begin this blog post where I left off.

I hit redial and waited as the phone rang a couple of times, and she answered and with a cherrful "Hello".  I re-introduced myself to her and apologized for having to cut our earlier telephone conversation short.   She assured me that it was no problem, she understood that she had probably interrupted me at work.  As we began to talk I realized that she was very friendly and immediately I felt my guard going down.  I had a split second to think "I may regret this later" but for some reason I just kept on doing what I do, talking and sharing.

As she began to tell me a little about herself and what she does as a nutritionist and trainer, I began to open up to her about my weight loss success over the past year.  She listened to what I had to say, I mean she really listened.  I could tell that she was processing every word that was coming out of my mouth.  She stated that my husband had told her a little bit about me and then she mentioned that he had also told her about my struggles that I was currently experiencing while on my journey to a new me.  She said that she did not know for sure but she thought that she may have an answer as to why I had stopped losing weight, and wanted to know if I wanted to come into her business to talk and see if we could work on this together.

You know how your mind starts warping into twenty different directions when you are faced with a question that you are not quite sure how to answer?  My first thought was "This is  one of my husband's business clients, did I really want to mess up his business relationship by saying "No" to her? 

My second thought came suddenly, "Just based on the little information that I had already shared with her, I knew that once I got on her turf and in her office I might not withhold anything.  And all of my secret struggles may be out in the open".  and finally I realized, what did I have to lose?  This may be the golden opportunity that I had been waiting on.  It looked to me like it could be a win-win situation so without further hesitation a voice that sounded very much like my own said "Yes, I would love to meet with you".

We set up our first appointment for the following Monday evening but I had to go on an unexpected business trip and our appointment was delayed.  We set up to meet the following Monday evening but she had a conflict and we then moved it to later in the week.  That Thursday I remember getting up and dressing in the most light-weight clothes that I owned.  We all know that by the end of the day you weigh more than you do in the morning when you step on that scale in nothing but your birthday suit!

When I arrived at her place of business, Be Fit, I sat in my car for a few brief seconds to collect my thoughts and then I ventured inside.  She was behind a long counter and she was speaking to another client.  I took this opportunity to look at my surroundings.   I saw the vinyl graphics and artwork that my husband had placed on her walls.  To my left there were two very fit women climbing on long red silk fabrics that were knotted and tied into the
 I-Beam in the ceiling above.  They were pulling themselves up and wrapping their legs around that red fabric and laying upside down and twirling around and I remember thinking to myself "If she thinks that this is the answer to my weight loss struggles she may need to re-think that".  I couldn't imagine myself pulling myself up on that red silk fabric much less the overhead I-Beam supporting me. What was the weight capacity of that thing any way?  But before I could turn and run I saw her say her goodbyes to her other client and she walked over to me.  "Hi, you must be Kathy.  I'm Stacy.  Your husband has told me all about you!"

The first thing that I noticed about her was how small she is.  Not just in height but her over-all appearance.  She looked to weigh about 80 pounds and all of it was muscle.  She probably has less than 1% body fat on her.  We shook hands and she asked me to meet her in the kitchen area. 

She gave me a packet of paperwork to read and review and told me she would be back shortly.  I tried to read the pages of nutritional information that she had asked me to review but the music coming from the workout area where the two super fit women were climbing on those red silk fabrics was keeping me from being able to process everything that I was reading.  I found myself reading the same passages two and sometimes three times.  I don't know if I thought that there was going to be a pop quiz or test or what,  but I wanted to make sure that I had read and understood as much of the information as possible before she returned.

When she returned she realized how loud the music was and immediately closed the door behind her.  We sat across from each other at a lunch table and I waited for her to start the "Pop Quiz".  When she began by asking me what was going on with me I once again felt my guard go down and I began to open up to her about how I had lost the 101 pounds during my first year on my journey to a new me and that I had successfully met my one year goal.  I told her that I am very goal oriented and had set my next goal to lose 50 pounds this year, in 2012.   She asked me how was I doing toward meeting this goal and I explained not to good and that was one of the reasons that I had decided to come in and talk to her.  I told her that I was doing all the same things that I had done last year to lose the weight, like eating 1400 calories per day, and exercising on the elliptical or treadmill but the weight was up and down, up and down to the point that I was up at least 7 pounds this year. 

As she listened I could almost see the little wheels spinning around and around in her head as she was thinking and processing everything that I was saying.  When I finally quit talking she simply asked:  "Can I have you log into your food diary on Myfitnesspal.com on your cellphone?"  She explained that her internet was down but hopefully next week we would be able to see my progress on her laptap.  (I thought to myself, "Who said that I was coming back next week?" )  But instead of saying anything, I did as she asked.   

As she began reviewing my food entries I saw her eyes widen and her smile fade.  Remember the paperwork that she had asked me to read when I first got there?  The paperwork that had so much information that I had to read and re-read many paragraphs multiple times because the music was too loud to concentrate?  Well this is when the pop-test began...

(To Be Continued)

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