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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Introducing ... My New Super Hero & Friend

If you  did not read my last blog post, The Power of "Can't", I would like to ask you to please stop reading this blog post and read the post made right before this one. 

When I was a young girl I loved to read comic books, trade comic books, read the Sunday comics, watch my favorite super heroes on TV and in movies.  As a matter of fact I still do.  I believe some of the recent SpiderMan movies that came out over the past five years or so were done quite nicely.  I also enjoyed the Superman movies shot in the 1980's staring the late Christopher Reeves .  Then there are all the Batman movies that have come to the theaters over the past 5, 10, or more years.  They are all pretty exciting to watch and then enjoy in later years on DVD.

When you search on the internet for Super Heros the list goes on and on.There are so many that I have never even heard of.  I have always liked their unique powers and their outfits. When you think about it, no two super heroes are just alike. They all have their own special abilities and their apperance is never duplicated by any other super hero. 

Every super hero has something that makes them special.  Every super hero that I like is positive and tries to bring about good in a bad world or bad situation.  Well in my last post, The Power of "Can't" I got into some of the things that my old friend, "Can't", used to tell me.  Oh the power that Can't had over me was very strong, and for so many years I was heavily (no pun intended, well maybe just a little) influenced by the power that Can't had over me.
Yesterday I introduced everyone who read my blog post to someone in my life named "Can't".  Well today I  wanted to take a moment to introduce you to my newest Super Hero and friend, named  CAN.  You see I believe deep inside of all of us is a Super Hero named, CAN.  The unfortunate thing is that most of us have just not discovered them yet.

It wasn't until I began this Journey To A New Me over ten months ago that I learned who CAN was.  CAN is that special power that we all have living within us.  It can go undetected for many years, and in my case even decades.  CAN was there all along trying to get out, trying to show their super powers, but I was very good at listening to others instead, and primarily Can't always had the louder voice.

Well the good news is that it is never too late. Today can be your day to finally quit listening to Can't and look deep inside yourself for the super hero that is living quietly on the inside begging to get out.  Yes, you too can unleash all the  power of your own CAN Super Hero complete with all of it's Super Powers.  You can begin today by saying, "I can do  this",  "I can get control of my life", "I can stop over-eating", "I can control my binge eating", "I can start every day new and fresh", "I can get healthy", "I can exercise", "I can become a little more active every  day", "I can do the right things", and "I can ___ ___ ___ (You fill in the blank".)

When you say to yourself  "I CAN _____, you are telling "Can't" good-bye.  So let's all stop  making excuses as to why we can't do something and start to think about all the ways and reasons that we can.  I know that it does not happen over night, and I know that it takes a lot of hard work and discipline.  But after all remember what I said before,  "How do you eat an elephant?"   "One bite at a time".   Now get out there and find the super hero buried deep inside of yourself, and soon you will discover for yourself the super power of CAN.  It is important that you do not delay, but do it today because the person who needs saving in this picture is not someone else but you.  So it's time to say "Hello to Can".

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