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Sunday, October 9, 2011

The October 7th Dead Line Has Come And Gone

Me & My Son, Will, Celebrate
His 29th Birthday 10/7/2011

If you have been reading my blog then you already know that I began on "My Journey To A New Me" on December 11, 2010, and it was then that I set out to lose 100 pounds in one year.  In order to accomplish this huge undertaking I broke down my 100 pounds into smaller goals. Some times I would mark them by a holiday, or another special event, but recently I used my son's upcoming birthday as my next "target date".  

I always taught my children something that I am learning now for myself.  "How do you eat an elephant?  One bite at a time!"  I had set my last goal for my son's birthday, October 7th, and
I wanted to reach 90 pounds lost by this date.  When I weighed on Wednesday,  10/5/2011
I had successfully reached 85 pounds.  By Friday, 10/7/2011 I weighed again and I had dropped to 86 pounds.  At first I was a little discouraged, but I had a feeling that I was losing weight again.  I had not only  continued to eat my 1400 calories per day, but I have also been exercising.  I begin every day with 20 minutes on the eliptical.  And  then try to get in either walking on the treadmill or more eliptical at my gym at work.  Then when I get home in the evening I work out again on the eliptical for another 20 minutes.  My goal is to build up to 3 sessions of 20 minutes each on the eliptical.  For a person of my size, working out at 3.0 to 3.5 mph can burn over 700 calories per hour! 

So instead of getting depressed about not hitting my goal, I continued to do what I knew was the right thing to do.  I may not have reached the 90 pound mark, but I was still eating that elephant one bite at a time. Saturday morning I decided to step on Mr. Scale again to see just how close I had gotten, and it was quite a surprise!  I was down 88  pounds!  Wow!  This is wonderful!  This felt almost as good as the 90 pounds would have felt had I been able to get there by the dead line.  I have now set my 90 pound goal for this Friday, 10/15/2011, and if I reach it before then it will be even better.

Our dinner with my son and his family and my parents was awesome.  We had a very enjoyable time.  I was happy to cut the birthday cake, and sing Happy Birthday, but as for indulging in the sugary sweet temptation, I was happy to pass on it.  No amount of cake or other sweets could ever make me feel as good as being 88 pounds lighter does.

Please stay tuned and I will post again my progress to my 90 pound goal.  Don't forget to set your own goals.  Whatever it is that you are trying to accomplish.  Whether it is losing weight, exercising, or stopping other  bad habits.   You can do it!  Just remember this:  "How do you eat an elephant?  One bite at a time!"

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