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Tuesday, June 7, 2011

"Out Of Sight - Out Of Mind"

I grew up in a household with two loving parents and one sibling, my older sister, Becky. We lived in Gwinnett County Georgia my entire life. Once I got married, my husband and I also lived in Gwinnett County. It was only five years ago, at 42 years of age, that I moved out of Gwinnett County to a more rural area in Jackson County.

When we purchased our new home in Jackson County we began moving into the house two weeks before Christmas. It is so interesting to me, but you never really know how much stuff and junk you can accumulate until you try packing it up to move from one house to another. It was during this packing of our old house that I found "treasures" from our earlier move 9 years before that had never made it out of the box that I had packed them away in.

You are probably wondering, "What in the world does this have to do with my journey to a new me?" Well, I found a box recently in my bonus room full of junk that I had packed up over five years ago to take to our new home. With much excitement I began to unpack the box. I was not sure going in what I would find. What if it was something that I had thought that I had lost a long time ago? But what I found was candles and candlesticks, a few nick-nacks, small picture frames, and a journal that I had started writing in and never made more than two entries in.

My long lost, no I should say, long forgotten, treasure was not treasures at all. It was just a mish-mash of stuff that I had thrown, without much care, into a box to move from one place to another. At the time that I packed them away I am certain that I felt like they were worth keeping. Who wants to pack a box, load it into the moving truck, haul it to the new destination, unload it from the truck and carry it to it's new place of residence (until it can be unloaded that is) and then unpack the same box? That is an awful lot of work for stuff that you don't want, don't need or don't care about.

The old saying; "Out of Sight - Out of Mind" came rushing at me as I stared at the contents of the box. The candles and candlestick holders would have come in handy for a dinner that I had prepared over the holidays. I have several pictures that I have taken recently of my grandchildren that I could use the picture frames for, and the journal? Well if I had kept the journal closer to my person, and not packed it away in a long forgotten box, I could have continued to record what I was eating and monitor my exercise. You see the journal was my latest attempt way back in '2004 to "Do something about my weight". Back then I had very little motivation to get on a program, any program, and stay with it. By my second day of journaling my food entries I was tired of eating salads. I, like so many others, thought that to lose weight you must give up all foods that are of substance and resort to lettuce (salad in it's plainest and most boring form). Well I am certain that I will not begin to write anything in that journal regarding my journey to a new me because I have my blog, my husband, family and friends, and www.www.myfitnesspal.com to help me out on this journey.

So what have you put "Out of Sight - Out of Mind?" What about that piece of exercise equipment that has become a clothes rack in your bedroom? I know because i used to do that too! Maybe it's time to put away all those clothes and start using it for what it was intended for. Go ahead, you'll be glad you did!

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