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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Talk Is Cheap, And I mean Real Cheap!

Have you ever done something so many times that when you attempt to do it a different way or seems foreign to you? This has happened to me many times in my life. On my journey to a new me I have seen a lightbulb come on that has helped to illuminate the darkness of my past eating habits and thoughts toward food. 

There are huge differences in the choices that I am making today compared to six short months ago. Six months does not seem like that much time compared to a lifetime of overating and living with the consequences of those bad habits. I was living in denial regarding my attempts to lose weight. I talked the talk all the time. I was forever telling my husband and family that I was "Doing something about my weight". Yes the truth be told, "I was doing something about it, I was adding to the weight on my body daily." I became a true "Life long member as a Weight Watcher, not because I had met my weight loss goal but because I was a consistent watcher, I was watching my weight go up, up, up!

So in a world where talk is cheap, I decided to put my money where my mouth was so to speak!
Instead of just "Talking the Talk" I began to "Walk the Walk" to better eating habits, better health and a happier life!

On my journey to a new me I find it easier to make good food choices, and now I am really trying to focus on my activities and exercise. I believe that this is a key element that I must add to my daily routine in order to see the results that I am looking for. So let's be real and start talking the talk and walking the walk that we are capable of, yes I said capable of! The only person who can't do it for themselves is the one who choses "Not" to do it for themselves. Remember "Talk is cheap, and I mean Really Cheap!"

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