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Monday, June 20, 2011

Where Did That 70 Pounds Go?

Kevin & I at the Waffle House.    I can comfortably sit
in the small booth because I have lost 70 pounds !!
picture taken 6-19-2011

Well I will be honest, I try real hard to not get on Mr. Scale every day. Why? Because I know after losing weight for a while that I am not going to see a change every day. Also, your body can fluctuate a pound or few ounces every day. On my journey to a new me I try to use the scale as a tool and not as the "end all be all" of my existence because I know if I am doing the right things that the weight will go away!

Well Sunday morning while getting ready for church I took the challenge and hopped on Mr. Scale to see what he would have to say and the news was better than I had hoped for! He was happy to report a 70 pound weight loss since I began my journey to a new me on December 11,2010. My goodness this was fantastic news and I am happy to say that I can tell that I have lost 70 pounds.

So this made me wonder, where did that 70 pounds go? Did one of my family or friends find it? I will probably never know the answer to that question, but all I know is that this is something that I have lost that I never want to find again. You will not see me posting
signs that read: "Lost: 70 pounds. REWARD to anyone who helps me to find this missing weight"
I know that may sound funny but now that it is gone I never want to see or feel the weight again. Without those 70 pounds hanging around my hips, thighs, and belly, I feel lighter and more able to move and breath and have a life. So here's a cheer for 70 pounds lost. This is a big boost towards helping me to get to my 75 pounds weight loss goal by July 4th. Hey that's only two weeks from today, does anyone think I can do it? I believe I can.

1 comment:

Brandy said...

I don't know you...just ran across your page by accident. You journey intrigued me, so I had to say----way to go!!! I know you don't need someone else to say you're doing good job, you can FEEL that for yourself! Have fun on your journey. You can do it!