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Thursday, July 21, 2011

Did You Accept The Challenge?

I posted a few days ago that I wanted to challenge anyone reading my blog to start their own journey to a healthier you. So we are at the half way mark today and I was wondering if anyone took my "double dog dare" and is doing it for themselves. (if you do not know what in the world that I am talking about please refer to blog post dated 7/17/2011)

If you did not begin the Seven Day Challenge, you know it is not too late to do it now! Not tomorrow, not next week, not on Monday, but today. Even if you have already eaten your Hardees Sausage, egg and cheese biscuit. You can start now! I think we all tend to put off what we need to do because it is easier to make excuses than to face it, deal with it, and get it done.

So, I will check back in after one week to see if the challenge was just that a challenge, or maybe it was the "A-Ha Moment" that we all need to kick us into action! Have a great week. I double dog dare you!

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