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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Enquiring Minds Want To Know

The time has finally come for me to answer that question that many of you have been wondering for the past few days, did I hit my 75 pound weight loss goal by July 4th? Well I will not keep you in suspense any further. I will not drag this out. I promise not to leave you on the edge of your seat in anticipation. The answer is no I did not hit my 75 pound weight loss goal by July 4th.

Okay so now you are probably wondering where am I in the weight loss tally, right? Well let me begin by saying that I have just completed an 11 day vacation! I have seen and done more in the past eleven days than you can imagine. But this morning on July 5th when I visited Mr. Scale he announced that I was up .4 of a pound. Not 4 pounds but 4/10ths of a pound. That was it. That was the whole enchilada you might say. That was the entire damage from my vacation. After the disappoint from not hitting my 75 pound weight loss goal, I had a moment to reflect on what I had accomplished over the past seven months on my journey to a new me and I was amazed to say the least.

When I started on this journey I was not so sure how far it would take me. You see I have done the diet thing before with very little success and how did I know that this time would be any different? Well honestly I did 't know. All that I knew was that I had a 1400 calorie per day limit on my food intake, but according to my doctor I could "spend" that 1400 calories on anything that I wanted. So, that being the parameters for my journey I set out at a pace to try and lose 1-1/2 to 2 pounds per week and you know what? I am right on target!

I can't beat myself up too much about not hitting 75 pounds by July 4th because I need to take in consideration 1.) I was on vacation and it was not always the easiest thing to count and know for sure how many calories that I was eating every day. 2.) We went out to eat Every Meal! 3.) With the difference in altitude in Colorado we were drinking 1 to 1-1/2 gallons of water per day plus Gatorade G2 low calorie sports drinks to stay hydrated. 4.) I have to cut me a little slack after all I was on Vacation!

I am not making excuses, but only telling it like it really is. I love to set goals and I love to achieve them even more, but I learned a long time ago that setting the goal is almost just as important as hitting the goal. Why? Because is takes courage to set a goal and then a little more courage to "let it be known". Because once you say it everyone is looking at you to "do it". And I may not have hit the 75 pound weight loss goal by July 4th but I believe in myself and I know tha I can hit this plus 10 more by Labor Day! So with that goal in mind, I begin my day with a 85 pounds to lose by Labor Day. I know I can do it for myself. What are you doing for yourself? What goals have you set and what goals have you achieved lately? Don't be afraid to let it be known tell someone today and do your best to achieve it!

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