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Friday, February 18, 2011

"Hello Girl Scout Cookies"

Just when I thought it was safe to go to work on a Friday and not have to contend with the dreaded Snack Day, a bad decision from my past comes to visit.

Way back, several weeks ago, before I really knew I could conquer my journey to a new me, I was approached by a very nice guy in my sales department and he asked me if I wanted to once again support his daughter with her Girl Scout Cookie sales. He explained that last year she was the top performer in her troop. He was so proud of her, as well as he should be. As he and I are both in sales and we know first hand how competitive sales of any type can be.

Alright, back to my story. I pulled my car into the parking lot at work and I see this nice gentleman pulling boxes, no I should say cases of Girl Scout Cookies from the trunk of his car and the back seat. My heart skipped a beat with excitement because I remembered that I had ordered my favorites from him!

It was only after stepping out of my car that the thoughts hit me, "How many boxes did I order? Are they all Thin Mints, or did I also order Tagalongs and Dosidos and Samoas?"

It would not take me long to figure out the answer to these questions. After hitting the time clock I approached my desk and there they were, in all of their glory! FIVE BOXES!!!!!
Two boxes of the Thin Mints, and one each of the Tagalongs, Dosidos and Samoas.

I wasn't so excited any more. I have worked so hard to lose 35 pounds, and there were five boxes of Girl Scout Cookies that were calling my name. "Kathy, we're here! You've been waiting for us! It won't hurt to eat just a few from each box. Come on, you work hard, you deserve it. No one will ever know...."

But I am happy to report that I did not even entertain those thoughts. I sent them straight back to the pit that they had come from! My first thought was to sit the boxes under my desk so that I could not see them. I could then take them home to my hubby. But after a few minutes I remembered he doesn't eat but one or two types that I had ordered. I then got a better idea! Why don't I ask the people sitting around me if they would like to buy a box from me. I didn't try to make a profit, I just wanted to get my money back. And guess what?The first person who heard me bought Both boxes of the Thin Mints ( my very favorite, the one that could cause me to stumble if I let it). Then I sold the box of Dosidos, and I now only have two boxes left!

I feel Great! I can do this! I believe in myself! If I can pass on the Girl Scout Cookies so can you. Right?

1 comment:

Kalie said...

Do you still have the Samoas?? They are my favorite :)