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Friday, February 18, 2011

Well It Finally Happened ... People Are Noticing

I was not sure when I started on my journey to a new me how long it would take, but as of this week I have had three people comment about my weight loss. My clothes have been baggy and close to falling off for several weeks but I refuse to go buy more Big clothes when I can still wear these. Yes, I admit, I probably need to invest in a good belt if this is my plan. I don't currently have such a fashion accessory in my arsenal because belts and fat people don't go together. Let me explain this thinking.

Why would you wear a belt when your clothes are already so tight they are screaming at you,
"Hey you up there with that third Krispy Kreme don't do it, there's no more room down here". But before I started this journey to a new me I didn't listen to these subtle clues, and I ate the third one and the fourth one and after a few hours I could eat up to the half dozen mark. Now it was on those particular days that I couldn't find my diabetes tester. (Did I ever mention that I am a diabetic Type II?)

That is the reasoning that goes on inside my head. Even now after over eight weeks of traveling down this road to a healthier me, there are days that I still think, "I wonder how many calories are in a Chick-fila biscuit. sure I can go onto myfitnesspal.com and look the calories and nutritional values of this and many other fast food items, but the point is why is it still a temptation? Yes, I know, I can eat the biscuit, but how many calories would I have to sacrifice for that one indulgence? Too many I say! I think if I decide to do the biscuit for breakfast one morning I will drive down to my favorite biscuit place in Norcross (Martins) and have a steak biscuit and savor every bite! When I hit 40 lbs. That will. Be my splurge. Who cares if I eat lettuce the rest of the day? Not me!

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