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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

In A Hurry? Take Time To Do The Right Thing!

Sunday mornings are always a day that I am rushing rushing rushing. It's not that I over sleep or anything, I just have so much to do to get my day started. This morning was like every other Sunday except I was awoken by a yelping alarm clock. Her name is Allie. she is our 17 week old chocolate miniature schnauzer. After Christmas we got two puppies, both ere miniature schnauzers. The other pup is also female and her name is Harley. She is 13 weeks old, and although she is hyper she is not as noisy as my yelping alarm clock, Allie.

I got up an hour earlier than my alarm was set for and took all four of our dogs outside. Oh did I forget to mention my two older miniature schnauzers, Anastasia "Annie" and Minnie Pearl?
Just so that you don't think we are a dog rescue, or anything, we got the puppies after Christmas because we were told that our oldest (Annie) had cancer, which later we found out she didn't but she has a bad "ticker" ( heart )

Any way by the time I took the dogs outside, fed them ( separately so they don't steal each others food ) gave them fresh water, got my shower, and got myself ready for church, I was running behind. I had a decision to make. A. I leave quickly and go through a drive through. And get a quick fast food biscuit or B. Do I skip breakfast ( not a good choice as I am a diabetic) or C. Take a little time to toast my bagel thin with low fat cream cheese.

It was a hard choice but I decided to take a little time and go with option "C". After all I was worth it, right? But let tell you, just like a warted pot never boils, a toaster never toasts as quickly as you want / need it to. When forever was over, I quickly applied the low fat strawberry cream cheese and rushed out the door. After resetting the alarm, locking the door and hitting the buttons to raise the garages doors. When it happened! I was walking around my husbands truck and in slow motion I saw my bagel thins with low fat cream cheese that I had taken a little bit of time to prepare so I could stay on my plan, go tumbling out of the paper towel that I was carrying them to the car in. I just stood there for one brief moment before I picked them up. I wanted to check out the damage. Both pieces had landed cream cheese side down on the cement and as I bent over to pick them up I prayed a small prayer that the five second rule would apply here. And I was somewhat amazed to find that about half of the cream cheese remained on the ground but the bagel things still had a light coating on them and nothing else. So guess what I did next? I carried my breakfast to my car and had a warm bagel thins with a lightly spread low fat cream cheese on them.

Do I recommend this to everyone? No of course not! But do we often tell our children and now I tell my grandchildren when they drop something on the ground "hurry, pick it up. Five second rule.". I don't know about you, but I still do.

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