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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Wednesday Is More Than "Hump Day"

Whoever came up with the slang for the day that falls in the center of the work week, "Hump Day"? Why couldn't Wednesday be called "Center Day" or "Half Way Day"? I guess for the same reason why fat and obese people aren't called "pleasantly plump" or "fuller figured".

What does a stereo-type name have to do with anything? Who gets pleasure out of coming up with these things? In all my years of living I can't remember a time when someone said "Hey Skinny". Or "hey you, the bean pole"! Or anything else other than words used for being big in size.

You know I think it might actually be nice to be called skinny or too thin or one of those other slang names, but that is all that it is, a slang name. It is not who I am, or what I am, or who I want to be. I want to be the Best Me that I can be. So how do I get there? How do I go from where I am right now to where I want to be? And where exactly is that place?

I believe that is what the Journey To A new Me is all about. My Journey. My time to figure it out. To see how healthy I can get. To see if a healthier me is the same as a happier me? I know that once I lose more weight I can become more active and with more activity comes more opportunities to do more fun and exciting things. I'm ready! I'm willing! And I am ABLE!
So from today forward, I commit to myself to not look back but to look forward to my future because it is a brighter road ahead. Better get out my sunglasses now!

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