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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Taking The "DIE" Out Of "DIET"

My journey to a new me has been a very enjoyable journey thus far and I believe the closer that I get to my destination the more enjoyable it will be. I have never experienced the success that I am experiencing now when trying to become healthier and more fit. As I have stated in previous post, if it feels like a "Diet" then I kmow me better than anyone and I simply will not stick with it. Not because I don't want to lose the weight but because it becomes too hard, too discouraging to try to eat "diet" type foods. You know cabbage soup, tuna fish, lettuce, raw veggies with no ranch dressing for dipping. That "plan" just doesn't work for me.

So I want to talk about taking the "D-I-E" out of Diet. I've heard it said many times that to lose weight you have to "diet". One person told me recently that to diet is to "die" to self. Well I had no comment when I first heard that but after pondering on it I would like to address this statement.

I do not believe that when I started on my journey to a new me that I ever thought about the word "die". I am doing this to Live a Longer, Healthier and more fulfilling life. If I think of diet and die in the same breath then I am defeating my whole purpose for doing this in the first place.

The reason I call this experience my "Journey" is because that is what it is. I am not in a super hurry to get to my destination of 100 pounds of weight loss in One Year, but I believe I have set out on a very obtainable goal. I have a little thought that may help myself and some of you reading this blog post with the words "Diet" and "Die".

This is interesting to me and could help you to if you would re-train your brain to think this way. Now there's a little catch phrase if I ever heard one, "learn to re-train your brain". So how do you do this? We will start with a four letter word, DIET. Look at the four letter word this way, "D.I.E.T.". What if each letter stood for a word to help motivate you and keep you accountable? This is my personal thoughts on this:

"D". Decide Daily
"I". Informed food choices
"E". Eat only when truly hungry
"T". Take it one day at a time

These four steps sound so easy so why don't we do it? I have an answer for this but you will have to wait until my next post to find out....

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