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Monday, March 7, 2011

Did You Take My Three Day Challenge?

Ok your three days are up! Who out there took my Three Day Challenge to Go Topless? Yes, that's correct. I didn't forget about my challenge. Did anyone have success with reducing their daily calorie intake by removing the "top" from their sandwich, hamburger, chicken sandwich, biscuit, or breakfast croissant or egg mcmuffin? Well today I did!

After coming home from three days away I realized half way to work this morning that I had left my breakast of champions ( Thomas Bagel Thins and Reduced fat strawberry cream cheese) at home. What to do? My only choice was to go thru the drive thru of some fast food joint and do my best.

Well I went to Chickfila and ordered the following, " I'd like a Spicy Chickfila Biscuit on a bun please, and hold the butter.". ( you know they always butter that bun, don't you?)
And a large unsweetened tea.

This was the first time I had turned into a Chickfila parking lot since I began my journey to a new me. What used to be my every day "detour" before was now a necessity. Yes, a necessity. I had to get something fast so that I would not be late to work. So without giving it much thought I found myself pulling into the drive thru lane. As I approached the ordering station and the young girl greeted me I ordered without hesitation.

Before taking the first bite I quickly removed the "top" of the sandwich. Next I searched on myfitnesspal.com to obtain the calorie count. I thought that there would be a chicken biscuit from Chick-fila but I didn't expect to find a chicken biscuit, chicken Only listing. Guess how many calories are in the chicken only for the breakfast portion? Only 160 calories! That is so awesome! The full blown chicken biscuit on a buttered biscuit was 440 calories so I knew this was a good food choice. I had to count the bottom of my bun and this added 55 calories making my total calories for breakfast 215! (the full bun has 110 calories)

Later that afternoon I called my doctors office to get my blood work lab results. I was a little anxious to hear what my A1C rating was. It had been more than six months since I had last had it checked. Well the news was Great! My A1C. Is usually in the high 6 low 7 range. They really want you to maintain a rating of 7 or lower. The lowest mine had ever been was 6.5. Well the results today were even better... 5.9 !!!!! They doctor wants me to stop taking one of my medicines and in ninety days when I do the test again i may be able to stop taking the medicine all together!

Wow! This was great and the news got even better! My cholesterol was down to 216 and he told me to keep up the good work of diet and exercise. I can't believe the improvements in my physical health after just ninety days. He said everything was looking good and to keep doing what I was doing.

So let me ask you. Do you know your numbers? Have you been to the doctor to see how well you are taking care of yourself, your body? You are the only person who can take care of your physical health. I encourage you today to get the facts about your health. If you have decided to do something to improve your lifestyle, start with a visit to your doctor. I know it sure helped me to get started on this journey to a new me!

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