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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

It's The "little" Things That Make Me Happy!

The older I get, the more I come to realize that it is the "little" things that bring pleasure to me and make me smile. My dogs are a great example of this. Our two small miniature schnauzer puppies are not only cute, cuddly and lively but they are full of themselves and full of personality!

The youngest one, Harley, is black with silver markings. She can be very feisty and she loves to "rough house" with the other puppy, Allie. They entertain me with their playfulness and spunk. Where do they get such energy? Have you ever seen a puppy, any puppy, that didn't have boundless energy? I can't say that I have ever seen a puppy who wasn't running on 440 volts. And to try and keep up with them is impossible!

So how do puppies or kittens for that matter "know" to be lively and full of energy? I believe that this is how God created them to be. He designed them to live and move. But wait, didn't he do the same for us? We are much higher up on the food chain. Shouldn't we be wired the same way? Lively and full of energy? I believe we have become victims of our own environment. Everything we do now allows us to "sit down". For many of us, our jobs require that we sit in front of a computer for 8 hours per day. Then we go home to relax and unwind and we "sit" in front of a computer or a TV. Well with this in mind, I decided to leave work at a decent time and go live and move.

I went to a park near my house and walked for 45 minutes. I made it around the track 4 complete times. Before getting out of my car I set my iphone to my pedometer app and placed it in my pocket. (iphones are so handy to have). I then walked down the hill and approached the track.

My husband met me there and we begin our walk. He is in much better shape than I, and at 6'2" his stride is much longer than mine. It was not the easiest thing to do, not the walking, but the "keeping" up to him. He set a very quick pace for my shorter legs and after the first time around I checked the pedometer and it read 3.0 mph. Now I don't know about any of you, but I have walked on the treadmill for years and I have never been able to keep up a consistent 3.0 mph for any length of time.

We took a 60 second breather and began around the track again. It was harder to catch my breath but easier to move my legs. I know that sounds weird but that is what it felt like.
After the second time around I checked my iPhone and the 3.0 mph was still the average speed in which we were walking. It was then that I told my husband that I could not do it. I could not keep up that pace. It was too fast for me and I didn't want to make this so hard on myself that I couldn't or should I say wouldn't do it. He then left the park and left me to make up my own mind about whether to continue my walking or come home.

In that moment I was not a happy camper. Why did I have to say anything? Why couldn't I keep my mouth shut and he would still be here walking with me? I was at a cross roads and only I could make this decision. So I began to walk again around the track for my third lap. At the end I checked my iPhone and it read 3.0 mph. What? How could that be? How is it that I walked around the track for the third time, Without my husband and his longer stride and I had averaged 3.0 mph? I didn't know but I set out around the track for my fourth and final lap and when I came to the end I again saw that my average speed was 3.0 mph!

I checked my www.myfitnesspal.com app on my iPhone and input my length of time exercising, which was 45 minutes and my speed of 3.0 and it gave me a total calorie burn of 358 calories!
Now that is what I am talking about! This is them kind of results that make me want to continue on my journey to a new me. I want to try to walk on that track at least three days per week and eventually build up to five days. I would say I could go up to 7 days per week, but let's not get crazy! So here's to my new speed of 3.0!!

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