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Monday, March 28, 2011

The "POWER" Of Half

Do you ever watch those TV shows that have doctors and other weight loss experts on them that try to encourage us all to lost weight and to gain a healthier lifestyle? Many times they are preaching the same message. If we would learn how to eat just 500 calories fewer per day we could lose 1-2 pounds per week! They offer up a simple formula using the scenario that if you cut out 500 calories from your daily food intake that you will lose weight. What are they talking about? How can this be so? How do they know?

The answer is simple. They know because they have college, and medical school and their license to practice medicine that tells them the facts behind the statement. So my question has always been, "How do you know that 500 calories is enough? How do you know you can lose weight by only cutting out 500 calories?". The explanation that I have heard on numerous occasions is that the average person eats between 2500 to 3800 calories per day. And unless you are in supreme physical shape, and are at your personal "goal weight" you are probably struggling with Mr. Scale. Your trips onto Mr. scale are not met with excitement but with heartache and discouragement. The reason? Because if you continue to eat this high a count of calories per day without burning some of them off with exercise you are going to gain weight.

So without counting the calories what would be a quick and easy way to get rid of 500 calories per day? Here is my free advice. Try eating everything that you would normally eat. If you eat salad with non low-fat ranch dressing, cheese, croutons, and the works, eat it but only Half the portion that you would have normally eaten. You enjoy Wendys Double Cheeseburgers? Order one and cut it in half! Don't save the other half for the trip home in your car. Throw it away! I promise you won't miss it! You like to order a large fries and shake? Dump half the fries into the waste bin "Before" sitting down to consume your meal. Oh and the same with that chocolate shake. Go ahead and pour out half of it or give away half of it before you take the first slurp.

I know this sounds funny and extreme but believe me it works! Way back when we first adopted our children I remember losing quite a bit of weight without really trying. And when I thought about it during my trip down Memory Lane and looking at those pictures, I realized it was because I would order whatever I wanted to eat and I would Split my food with my daughter, Pam. We would share the entire meal so I was only getting Half of what I would have normally eaten.

So why don't you take this challenge? For the next three days, or maybe week, try eating Half of the food that you would have normally put in your pie hole (mouth). It goes without saying that by the weeks end you will have a favorable visit with Mr. Scale and if you continue to do this he will wait on you to come back again later so that he can tell you some more good news! If your up for the challenge I ask that you weigh yourself in Before you start so that you can see for youraelf if this excercise worked for you. Oh go ahead! The only thing you have to lose is a few calories, which means pounds, and a few french fries!

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