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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Thank You For Your Words of Encouragement... It Goes A Long Way!

A Sign To Say A Special Thank You !!!

I am completely amazed by how many people are actually reading and following "My Journey To A New Me!" It excites me to check my stats and see that hundreds of people are reading about me and my journey to a healthier me. It is not just my family and friends on Facebook. There are people in fifteen different countries tuning in every day to heat about this ordinary girl in Georgia trying to do something "Extra-ordinary" with her life! I want to say a very special thank you for all of you who are reading, sending me notes, comments, positive feedback, emails and thumbs up (like) on FB. You have abbsolutely no idea how this is encouraging me.  My husband and family are cheering me on, but it is wonderful to have the additional support for all of you!

There is POWER in the spoken word, but it is "magnified" when it is used as Words of Affirmation (Encouragement). My husband and I are still leading a Small Group at our church on the 5 Love Languages, and if you have never read this book by Dr. Gary Chapman you should definitely check it out. This simple book holds the "keys" to unlock your love language and the love language of your spouse, children and family.

In this book he discusses the Five Primary Love Languages that fuel our "emotional love tank".
What is our emotional love tank you say? Well let me try to explain. Deep inside each of us is a desire to be loved. From the moment we are born we have the human need to feel loved. Our primary love "Givers" when we are infants and children are our parents and family members who are raising us. They demonstrate love to us in many ways and we begin to seek out the love that comes from the ones taking care of us. We learn what love is and how to give it to others. We learn through The 5 Love Languages (Physical Touch, Quality Time, Acts of Service, Receiving Gifts and finally, Words of Affirmation (Encouragement).

All children love to receive gifts but not all children grow into adulthood with Receiving Gifts as their "primary" love language. Dr. Chapman explains that men tend to see Physical Touch as their primary love language where women are more emotional in nature and would probably prefer one of the other five, and Words of Affirmation and Quality Time usually tip the scale.

Why am I bringing out this lesson on the 5 Love Languages today? Because a couple of weeks ago during one of our discussions, my daughter-in-law mentioned to the group that she believes that my primary or maybe close secondary love language is Words of Affirmation, and I was not quite so sure. You see I grew up with two loving parents in a Christian home. Both of my parents worked, and worked multiple jobs at that, to provide for my sister and I. And in our home Christmas time and other holidays were always done up right! My parents would go to great lengths to get the newest this or that for us. We were never disappointed. So basically I grew up with a great set of parents who I believe showed me love through the Love Language "Receiving Gifts".

Even after I got married that was the primary way in which I wanted my husband to show his love for me. So when my daughter-in-law made her statement I wasn't sure if I agreed, until I started blogging and started receiving so much positive feedback and Words of Affirmation and encouragement. I tell you the truth, there is POWER in the tongue! We can build someone up or we can choose to tear someone down with the words that we speak. So I challenge you to Build Someone Up Today! Tell someone how special they are to you and how happy you are to have them in your life. Who knows it could be your words of affirmation that help someone to see things a little brighter on the road ahead.

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